I’ve mentioned before that I have a variety of anti-this and anti-that drugs to protect me while my immune system is down, but that was a bit generic. So, in all its glory, here’s the list of what I’m currently getting (as far as I remember):

Aciclovir – anti-viral, like, erm, Norton Anti-Virus, though in tablet form. I always prefer it when people say: “Ah, Norton – like the motorbike?”
Caphosol – technically this is a mouthwash, rather than a drug, but it’s done such a good job so far (touch wood – haha) that I thought it worth a mention. It’s a saline solution, but involves mixing two bottles before swishing around the mouth, so I’m sure there’s more to it than that.
Domperidone aka Dom Perignon – not quite as tasty as the champagne, but more powerful in preventing nausea, and given as a tablet, not in a bottle with a poppable cork.
Itraconazole – a disgusting anti-fungal medicine that is unfortunately delivered in liquid form twice a day, although it’s a bit better when washed down with some Coke.
Lactulose – unfortunately, my earlier bouts of diarrhoea left their mark, so this makes sure going to the loo is a bit more comfortable. I have a couple of other things to help there, too, but I expect you’ve already heard more than you would ever want to know about that.
Omeprazole – as far as I can tell, this tablet is to prevent ulcers in the stomach, for which I am grateful.

Unnamed antibiotic (though it probably has a name) – I like to imagine this all-purpose antibiotic patrolling my body, possibly on a horse and carrying a lance, seeking out and attacking any infections before they get serious. I’m not sure that’s exactly how it works, though. It’s not as powerful as the Domestos they dragged out when I was spiking a temperature, though.
That’s all I can remember at the moment, though I have a couple of creams for my skin (Diprobase) and lips (Yellow Soft Paraffin), as they both get very dry very quickly in here. The tablets are not really an annoyance – they all get washed down in one gulp, and I haven’t noticed any particular side-effects. That itraconazole is disgusting, though.
It’s Day 30 post-chemo, but there are still no real signs of neutrophils (the occasional 0.1 has invariably been followed by 0.0 the following day). I’m a few days past the median for neutrophil recovery, but every individual reacts differently, and it is probably just a combination of the intensity of the chemo and the amount of chemo my bone marrow has put up with over the years.
Perhaps it’s time for another biopsy!