George, his father and a bird
Birds of a feather

08:42, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: George hope not feeling too much worse today. Loved your blog, sure you enjoyed writing it! Good to see you are still larking about a bit, eider that or you are going a bit cuckoo!

08:44, 1 Apr – Dad: I’m certainly eagle to see George today.

08:46, 1 Apr – Tom: Perhaps things will take a tern for the better

09:09, 1 Apr – Sue: You lot are up with the lark.

09:25, 1 Apr – George: Owl lovely of you all! We’ll see what happens nest…

09:45, 1 Apr – Dad: Just left Warblerton, on the London train. Very trilling.

09:50, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: I hope George brings out the bunting! Let us hope the train takes you there swiftly!

09:50, 1 Apr – Harriet: Sorry so silent at this end, the tits had escaped the nest again

09:57, 1 Apr – Harriet: Have you had your breakfast today G? You must be starling after sickness yesterday?

10:02, 1 Apr – Dad: Wren I get to St Gs, I be there from heron in ’til Wed night at least.

10:09, 1 Apr – George: Had some tweetabix this morning; good as being sick was robin me of strength

10:20, 1 Apr – Sue: Pity I can’t cook- yoo a real tweet for brekies.

10:23, 1 Apr – Sue: Dense fog here has activated fog siren in the Solent. Hear it even in Shrover!

10:24, 1 Apr – Harriet: Oh duck! Can’t even gander out of the window?

10:37, 1 Apr – Dad: Carriage suddenly full of 10 yr old boys on school trip!

10:37, 1 Apr – Dad: Real twitter.

10:37, 1 Apr – Dad: Still I’ll beak-ind and wing it.

10:41, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: It may be hard to swallow but sure you won’t re-great tit!

10:42, 1 Apr – George: You must be raven on the inside

10:45, 1 Apr – Harriet: Let osprey the journey is over soon.

10:52, 1 Apr – Dad: Not much feather.

10:54, 1 Apr – Sue: Down another coffee !

10:56, 1 Apr – Dad: I’m crowing to Balham shortly.

10:56, 1 Apr – Dad: Via a flight of steps.

10:57, 1 Apr – Harriet: You’ll be sorry to wave goodbye to the titillating company

10:57, 1 Apr – George: Sounds like an eggciting journey! You’ll have a good tail to tell

10:59, 1 Apr – Harriet: Any claws for concern?

10:59, 1 Apr – George: Shame it’s nearly plover

10:59, 1 Apr – Dad: Can’t wait for the Canada geese-r to join in this thread.

11:00, 1 Apr – Dad: He’ll have a flock when he sees all these msgs.

11:02, 1 Apr – Dad: My God – wit!

11:03, 1 Apr – Harriet: He’ll have such a gaggle

11:06, 1 Apr – Dad: I might say morale plume-tted when carriage filled up.

11:06, 1 Apr – Harriet: Let’s hope he’ll not pea-[a]-cock about it

11:07, 1 Apr – George: I think I’ve bird enough

11:11, 1 Apr – George: Wren are you getting here?

11:11, 1 Apr – Dad: I’ll be chough-ed to see you, Georgie

11:13, 1 Apr – Dad: About 1140 a’chick.

11:25, 1 Apr – Tom: Some of these are getting flocking silly

11:28, 1 Apr – Dad: Thank goodness I didn’t get the train to Canary Wharf. A-parrotly I’m in Tooting.

11:32, 1 Apr – Dad: Er. Hooting?

11:37, 1 Apr – Tom: Bet you didn’t see this side effect of your bone sparrow transplant coming George

11:38, 1 Apr – Dad: Mynah delay while I wash hands.

12:02, 1 Apr – Harriet: Is G’s room swan-ky?

12:02, 1 Apr – Harriet: By the way, this feed is quacking me up!!

12:08, 1 Apr – Harriet: I just changed a grouse nappy of Innes’ – it was fowl.

12:09, 1 Apr – Harriet: It is great that you got the correct train Dad – and even took the train. Guess it saves on petrel.

12:13, 1 Apr – Harriet: I wish I could flamin-go to Tooting.

12:14, 1 Apr – Dad: Albatross to get a sandwich shortly.

12:15, 1 Apr – Dad: When I’ve stopped Puffin from climbing the stairs.

12:16, 1 Apr – Harriet: Bet you don’t r-egret taking the stairs though?

12:21, 1 Apr – Dad: Once I be-gannet they were fine.

12:23, 1 Apr – Dad: George is fine – doing a starling job.

12:31, 1 Apr – George: Perhaps not as chirpy as usual

12:32, 1 Apr – Dad: Auk-ward not being able to eat normal food.

12:34, 1 Apr – Dad: Nice to sit with him and not have to th-rush anywhere.

12:36, 1 Apr – Dad: After all, I’m no spring chicken.

12:46, 1 Apr – Dad: Right, now is the time I wood-peck-er bit of lunch.

12:47, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: Caaaw blimey, this makes the sainsbury’s fish chat quail into insignificance!

12:48, 1 Apr – Harriet: Pitta for lunch, Dad?

12:50, 1 Apr – Dad: Something pheasant, I hope. George just had to Buzzard for a nurse.

12:50, 1 Apr – George: Doubt he’ll get lunch from Tescrow

12:51, 1 Apr – Dad: I think we should Ban-tam.

12:52, 1 Apr – George: You could get something to read and something to eat — mag? Pie?

12:55, 1 Apr – Dad: Probably a Sandwich, Tern and shell out for it.

12:57, 1 Apr – Dad: Possibly pick up a penguin.

12:57, 1 Apr – Harriet: Stop raven about it! You’re making me hungry.

12:58, 1 Apr – Dad: Hungry Birds?

12:58, 1 Apr – Harriet: Tildie-woo and I are hungry birds

12:59, 1 Apr – Dad: You’re a Nut. Hatch up a snack.

13:02, 1 Apr – Dad: Good job you’re a Rock. Hopp-er long to the kitchen for a bite.

13:04, 1 Apr – Harriet: I could swallow a coca-cola right now

13:06, 1 Apr – George: Rook out for the high sugar content

13:07, 1 Apr – Harriet: Oh yes, I’ve no eyed deer how much is in it.

13:08, 1 Apr – Harriet: Oops – wrong thread.

13:11, 1 Apr – Harriet: Did you avoid the Tooting chiff-chaff whilst getting lunch Dad?

13:16, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: I suppose you probably didn’t stork to anybody interesting?

13:16, 1 Apr – Dad: No. But this is certainly a Humming-bird thread.

13:18, 1 Apr – George: Not even Randy Andy? Or HornyBill?

13:24, 1 Apr – Dad: Getting a Stir Fly:catcher golden syrup sponge…

13:34, 1 Apr – George: The nurse just said Dad doesn’t look owld enough to be my feather

13:34, 1 Apr – Dad: Very cheap. Not a big bulbul at all.

13:36, 1 Apr – Dad: Nurse could be fluttering me -or not fluttering for George!

13:39, 1 Apr – George: It was a dovely thing to say

13:41, 1 Apr – Dad: Ok. Em-por-er stroll back to Ruth Myles.

13:41, 1 Apr – George: Wader go, Dad!

13:43, 1 Apr – Dad: Talk about creased up – this could curlew.

13:52, 1 Apr – Dad: Need a good caper;cai

13:53, 1 Apr – Dad: Oops. Need a good caper:cailly is the way to go.

14:01, 1 Apr – Dad: Not sure what I’ll have for supper – perhaps some moorhen? And a dipper two.

14:04, 1 Apr – Dad: Maybe followed by tart & a dabber ice cream.

14:33, 1 Apr – Dad: Shrike a light.

15:08, 1 Apr – Fred: It’s that ptarmigan, time to get up and go to work

15:08, 1 Apr – Fred: Morning owl

15:11, 1 Apr – Harriet: Morning Fred! Had a dipper in the shower yet?

15:12, 1 Apr – Harriet: What larks, eh Fred?

16:14, 1 Apr – Dad: As you read down, what a load of bullfinch by inch.

16:14, 1 Apr – Harriet: Or did you just tern a blind eye, F?

16:15, 1 Apr – Harriet: How is skua-l today, Tom?

16:16, 1 Apr – Dad: Cormorant more

16:17, 1 Apr – Harriet: We are brambling on, aren’t we?!

16:18, 1 Apr – Dad: Wish I had my pipe here and was puffin on my shag.

16:19, 1 Apr – Harriet: You really are a plover of puns, aren’t you Dad?

16:19, 1 Apr – Duncan Birds: Alright Fred my plover, hope this is knot too weird for you! A fantastic wa-der start the day with this dawn chorus of birdy banter

16:20, 1 Apr – Harriet: I mean, we all dove it, clearly!

16:22, 1 Apr – Dad: Rhino, let’s do animals tomorrow if you can bear it.

16:22, 1 Apr – George: NO

2 thoughts on “Bird bird bird, bird is the word

  1. This little stint has been quite sanderling, you are all quite dotterel but I’m fulmar admiration of you all. Amanda ( Often seen working at The Three Pigeons).

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