9 thoughts on “And so it goes on

  1. Oh George (((George))).
    For fear of saying something trite, aka darn annoying, I’ll settle for sending some big, soft, germ-free, bug-free, cyberhugs, ok?

    All Love,


  2. Hello George, this is Anne, Christies friend – i stayed with you a few times at Jesus.

    anyway Christie wronte to me and sent your website, hope you dont mind that i’ve been reading all about it. anyway its so great that you can write all this down, not many people could be dealing with it all in a better way; you are amazing. Anyway that sucks that you have to go til Friday but even that is an end in sight (i hope). i had to have a hepB injection yesterday and that was bad enough – just goes to show what a WUSS i am.

    anyway i hope you dont mind ive been in touch.

    Love Anne xxx

    PS i was going to putr my website but that would be blatent shameless advertising

  3. Hello!
    I have been absolutely miserable about staying in touch lately. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Please believe me though that I, and my family, have kept you in our prayers always. I am in London until next Monday and, though I understand you are undergoing treatment until Friday, I wondered whether there would be even the slightest chance of just saying hello to you at some point for I have not seen you in ages and miss you dearly.
    I wish you all the best with your treatment. I am thinking of you.

  4. Heya,

    Good to see you looking so well yesterday complete with pirate headgear and goatee!!! Hope the radiotheraphy still chugging away; will be thinking of you all the way from Africa.
    Much love

    Robyn xxx

  5. Sorry to hear that this stage is not yet over. Thinking of you and hope that you are still enconsed with your family’s friends and enjoying the food and comfort.
    Not much changing here the trip to the UK now seems like eons away, when it wsa so good to meet up with you and family again.
    You are always in our thoughts.
    Love Melanie xxxxx

  6. Hmph….beh,è comprensibile…
    sta di fatto che oggi è mercoledi,meno due e poi questa volta è davvero finita,no?:-)

    intervento leggermente superfluo il mio,n hai certamente bisogno di me per sapere quanti giorni ci mancano,ma sai, contare insieme può essere anche divertente…ok..basta con le mie banalità,sto davvero abusando;-)

    dai,scappo..lo sai che i miei amici con le antenne mi aspettano….;-)



  7. Hi there I do like your new look ie facial hair!! Keep going you look like a poet or an artist..not quite sure which? love audrey

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