7 thoughts on “Auguri!

  1. Happy Birthday Mr Norton!

    George, you could’ve left a BIT more cake for your dad to eat. Look at that tiny sliver he’s been left with!!

    ali xxx

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Uncle Andrew! That cake looks too good!

    George I know where you get your super powers from now!!

    Lots of Love lucy x x x

  3. Happy Birthday Mr Norton!

    Honestly George, you could have left your Dad a little more cake! You KNOW ‘Eating is Cheating’!

    Love as ever,

  4. happy birthday daddy norton!! georgie I’ts been YEARS since I left a blog comment, this is so exciting! unfortunatly I have to rush because I have six boys waiting for me (they want to go to the pub – ugh) and they don’t wait for girls apparently… hmmm… love you shiney head boy, wish I was nearer you so we could hold hands. Think of you everyday, and it makes my bones ache. love you forever XX

  5. Happy Birthday Mr Norton! I had a chocolate birthday cake almost as big as that last week!
    George, well done with finishing the radio, and hoping to see you in London again soon.
    Lots of love and hugs, Ellie x

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