I’m not a man to go around consolidating just once. Oh, no. Twice? Not me. Consolidation 3, here we go… Actually, I started this morning, having had good blood results again on Tuesday (I discovered that actually the normal level for haemoglobin is 13-17, and I’m about 11.6, but I was right that the other main tests were within normal levels) and told I could start as soon as I wanted, really. Not wanting to hang around and end up finishing my treatment in 2050, I suggested as soon as possible would do me nicely, and got an appointment for this morning.

In brief, this is what happens:

  • Days 1, 8, 15, 22: Intravenous Daunorubicin (most famous for turning your wee red, which I forgot for a brief moment when visiting the little boys room just after being given it…)
  • Day 29: Intravenous Cyclophosphamide (which, according to Wikipedia, is a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent)
  • Days 29-42: Oral Tioguanine (tablet-tastic)
  • Days 31-34; 38-41: Intravenous Cytarabine (as an inpatient)

For the first 29 days I should be an outpatient, though if my blood counts drop quickly, I suppose I might go in sooner. For those who like pretty pictures, here’s my protocol (click on it for larger version):
It all makes sense, honest (though my CNS therapy came after Consolidation 2, remember?). In fact, if anyone wants all the technical details, the UKALL XII trial I am on has its details online.

This does all mean that the social life I’ve been enjoying for the past few weeks may soon have to take a back seat, at least when my neutrophils start dropping. My most recent enjoyment of the pleasure of having good blood counts was going to Adam’s birthday party on Tuesday, which was lots of fun. Rather than posting any photos from then, however, I’ve uploaded a nice pic of me, Rachael and Adam from last week, when we visited his playground. I mean office.

Here are some interesting facts for all you infophiles:

  1. I’ve put on some weight, so I’m now about 70kg. When in hospital, my weight has usually fluctuated between about 60 and 65kg.
  2. My eyebrows are not looking quite so populated as they used to (in spite of the above photo).
  3. Pompey are still riding high in the Premiership, though a stinking Man City player tried to murder our best player last night.
  4. Seemingly around 95% of the people I know have gone or are going to Greece this summer (does it still count as summer in spite of the torrential rain last night and this morning?).
  5. Erm…
  6. That’s it.

I intend to write with more profundity soon about various issues, such as the social niceties of being a leukaemia patient, the potential isolation of being ill, and maybe even God, as I have long promised.

6 thoughts on “Bring it on

  1. Happy consolidating George – I hope the good blood counts continue.

    Protocol looks complicated, so I’m not going near it – too much for my pink mist-ed brain to cope with today.

    In case you don’t get a chance to catch my LJ, I too am an outpatient for the next couple of weeks (although thankfully I don’t get given nitrogen/mustard compounds for a broken bone) so now have ‘nice nurse’ stories to swap with you at some point.

    Many (slightly awkward) hugs,

    hannah xx

  2. Hey..dopo quasi una settimana di assenza sn riuscita a leggere interamente e con calma questo e l intervento di ieri…mi sn piaciuti tanto entrambi,lo sai che ero curiosissima di sapere cosa avessi fatto mart e merc…curiosità soddisfatta in pieno:-)grazie…

    qui procede tutto bene…middlesex risucchia tutta la giornata…beh, ad essere sincera trovo anche il tempo di bere un pò di buon vino la sera…;-)

    beh, jess è già da un pò di tempo nelle mie preghiere,sempre dita incrociate anche per lei…

    ti abbraccio forte,sperando di poterlo fare presto di persona,non che abbia fretta….lungi da me,6 anni non sono mica tanti:-)

    bacio e a presto

    con affetto smisurato


  3. Hi George!

    I tried to post a comment yesterday when I read your post, but the comments page was down so I couldn’t 🙁 but I can now 🙂

    Another round of treatment; I expect that you must be looking forward to the end of the road to health. You WILL get there eventually, I KNOW so!

    I was with Claire yesterday & she sends her best wishes & love. I know you will be pleased to hear that her bad arm is improving in a pretty major way!

    Loving the broad smiles in the photo; always a great sign!

    Love as always,

  4. Have absolutely no idea what any of that means….last time I saw you I asked for a simpletons explanation of all the jargon to be written alongside!?!!! Was that in fact the simpletons version which I still did not understand!?
    I guess I am one of the small % not going to Greece….doh!
    And no I refuse to let the summer be over!
    Loads of love
    Katiexxx (Post-it note anyone!!)

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