Five days and no blogging… I am sorry. I blame radiotherapy-induced lethargy (for the first day or two) and decent-blood-count-induced busyness (for the rest). I have been in the Big City, London! Having lovely blood counts (all within normal levels, I think… neutrophils: 2.6; WBC: 4.5; platelets: 230; haemoglobin: 11.6; I think) means I can be out and about a bit more than usual, so I’ve been making the most of the fact by catching up with a few people and celebrating the occasional birthday. I am now, however, back home. There’s plenty to share, but I think I’ll start from yesterday and go backwards.

Yesterday was the birthday of my dear friend Sheila, finally bringing an end to months of ‘it’s nearly my birthday’ chat from her. I was touched to be invited to dinner to celebrate, and had a lovely evening with her, her boyfriend Dave, her friend Emma, her brothers Arvind and Armand, and Arvind’s girlfriend Kate. We went to a proper Neapolitan restaurant in the Notting Hill area (I think), where I ate some delicious pasta with king prawns, after sharing a great platter of meats and cheeses. The wine was good, too, and I think I was quite tiddly by the end. Which was nice.

I thought I’d start with last night, as I wanted to link to the most inventive mention I’ve ever had on anyone else’s blog… There’s little I can add to Armand’s perspective on the evening, except to express the same bafflement that might cross your mind as to why he considered the nickname Wu-Tang to be a suitable one for me. He claims he has recently been known variously as Clark Kent, Elvis and The Arminator, so I guess he’s an expert on the nickname front; he also complains about not getting enough comments, so if you’re feeling sociable then do leave one somewhere on his blog.

I also popped in to see my old friends at Literary Review, where nothing much has changed: demoralisingly, the magazine has survived my absence without any problem at all. It was good to catch up, though, and to see them all well. It was the first time I’ve been in since last October, so I was even lumbered with a whole load of stuff I’d left behind… Oops!

Before that I’d gone for lunch with Adam and Row, who joined me in eating enormous pancakes.

Wednesday can wait until my next post, methinks.

6 thoughts on “Chillin’ at my homie

  1. Hey George!

    Looking good chum!

    Glad your numbers are good & you have been out & about being popular. I can’t help but notice hun that whenever you’re feeling chipper your posts seem to mention food at least once! 😉 J/K!

    Can’t wait to hear what else you’ve been up to!

    Stay Chipper,

  2. Hey Wu-Tang,

    Thanks for the mention. I can’t believe you’re struggling to understand your new nickname. It’s obvious to anyone with a left foot.

    Was good to chat to you. Sorry for the extent of my inanity but that’s just what my sister brings out in, well, everyone. It’s a gift, I tell you, a gift!

    And thanks also for correcting me on the Neapolitan drinking song lyrics. Wouldn’t have wanted to get it wrong…

    Stay happy,

    See you soon, Armand

  3. Beh io come soprannome preferisco bellezza,e penso che continuerò a chiamarti cosi;-)
    Allora…leggo con piacere che vi siete trattati davvero bene al ristorante napoletano..scialatielli con gamberi…niente male, niente male…uno dei miei piatti preferiti!:-)gnam gnam gnam

    No..dico…a chi fosse sfuggito…io sn di napoli, quindi çA va sans dire che il tuo intervento ha davvero catturato la mia attenzione…vada per i ristoranti italiani a londra, ma ad uno napoletano, credimi, n ci avevo mai pensato;-)che dire,,,viva la cucina napoletana nel mondo!!!!!!!iuhuhu!;-)mmmm..un pò troppo “chauvine”…?;-)

    beh, oggi mi sentivo molto “sociable” ragion per cui ho lasciato un breve commento sul blog di armand nel mio classico inglese di sopravvivenza… condito con una spruzzata di italiano,un pò qui e un pò lì….;-)(perdonerai il gergo visto che si parlava di cibo….)

    ti abbraccio forte


  4. That drinking song sounds awfully familiar … oh wait, that’s because I’ve heard you sing it George. Glad to hear you are back to your busy bee lifestyle, and hope you haven’t been attacked by the rain this weekend.

    hannah xx

  5. hey fitty

    glad you enjoyed the rest of the week…those panckaes filled me up for days, well actually only until the next meal but it was gooooooooood! cant wait for more fun and games and slides courtesy of adam!


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