1. I said last night we’d celebrate the last few hours of Day +10 (“engraftment day”). And we did.

George with cake
Mine. All mine
George and Mariacristina with cake
Nope. Still mine

2. Oh yes, my hair started falling out to a serious degree yesterday; rather than let it get patchy, we thought it time to take to the clippers.

George putting clippers through hair
Begone, hair!
Mariacristina looking confused with clippers
“How does this work?” At this point, terrifyingly, Mariacristina was still insisting she could do the deed
Stephen deploying clippers on George
Best bring in the expert (Stephen)…

3. Today (Day +11), Fred came up to Tooting…

Fred and George, cross-eyed
It was all a bit overwhelming

4. …as did, to my surprise, his better half: Kelly!

Fred, Kelly, George and Mc selfie
Beat that, Ellen

5. The ward returned to normal after an outbreak of creativity last week (ie I forgot to post this photo at the time).

Paula and Lucy with animal masks, and George
Animal Hospital

6. My neutrophils shot up to 4.4, so the doctors called off the G-CSF (growth hormone). Let’s see how my new bone marrow does without that boost…KAPOW!


7. Not only did Pompey win yesterday (two in a row?!), but Oxford also thrashed Cambridge in the Boat Race. Italy beat England at tennis, though…

And that, for today, is that. Hope you, too, had a wonderful weekend!

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