See how yesterday I ended my post with ‘At last!’? At last the chemo was starting, thought I. Silly boy! There were still a good sixteen hours for plans to change. And those who believe in fate, and the possibility of tempting it, may well have cried out in horror, “But George, don’t celebrate until the chemo’s in your veins!” Unfortunately I didn’t hear you, and not being a great believer in Fate anyway I doubt I would have taken your concerns too seriously.

Yep, you’ve guessed it: the chemo has again been put off… Remember how my neutrophils needed to be over 1? And then how I reached that, only to discover my platelets needed to be over 100? Well, there was a third condition, which was a white blood cell count of at least 3, which I had actually achieved on Wednesday. Sadly it’s now Friday and it was down to 2.8.

So, no chemo until at least 2012, or Monday if I’m lucky, and I’m free for the weekend. The bonus here is that I get to enjoy having a bed in London (to which I must return at night, so that I can have my blood tested in the morning) but can do as I like with the daytime – I’ve not had much chance to enjoy the Big Smog or see friends outside a hospital environment so am looking forward to doing so. Do give me a bell if you’re free and fancy finding me.

Otherwise not much to report… Had a lovely meal with Robyn this evening, and earlier turned down the option of moving to room 12b (the second-worst room, slightly bigger and less isolated but also with less natural light), but that’s about it.

8 thoughts on “Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched…

  1. …In effetti se n ti ho scritto fino ad ora per augurarti un buon inizio di chemio…è perchè aspettavo che fosse sicurississimissimo….;-)specie considerando che le cose cambiano sempre da un secondo all’altro, e mi sa che di esempi ne abbiamo avuti tanti fino ad ora:-)
    Dai,solo ancora un pizzichino di che ne hai da vendere!;-)(la prova è che mi sopporti;-)
    E se venissi per il WE?;-)
    ok…è proprio ora di andare a nanna, sto iniziando a sognare prima di chiudere gli occhi.brutto segno!
    con immenso affetto

  2. Lovely to see you yesterday and apologies for the fact that those naughty children have stolen my banter… let’s hope it is recovered soon! Enjoy Mrs Dalloway…

    Hasta pronto…

    Miss Gladwyn

  3. Heck George, I’m sure glad you believe in Fate, it’s REALLY giving you a workout, huh?

    Not sure about Fate, but I DO believe in Faith & YOU! Know that we have been ‘nagging’ The Big Man Upstairs’ like mad & clicking this end. Keep going!

    The meal sounded fun; hope you had something yummy!

    Stay as cool as you can chum!

    Love always,

  4. That’s frustrating, George! So many setbacks… But well done for looking on the bright side. Hope to see you soon!



    ciao georgeous!

    keep up the fight im really sorry to hear about the setback. im soo sorry i didnt come to visit you over the holiday- i had a stinking cold for the whole two weeks! ive since moved to rome- you’re right it’s an amazing place!

    anyway, ti voglio tanto bene. un bacione lizzie d (fight director)

  6. hey george, any luck with the room upgrade yet, you gotta stop your body playing games with the chemo you ve been getting to used to the sunshine and civi street. hope the nxt session goes well

    All the best, pads

  7. Hope you caught up with a few friends in the Outside world, and that the counts are now up and that the bed is still available, a hotel upgrade must be on the cards soon as you are a very regular visitor!!!
    A lot of people here in Aus, were a bit groggy this morning as they got themselves out of bed to watch the WC match with Brazil. It was noted that there was a bit less traffic on the roads this morning and there were a few more car parking spaces around. The match started about 2am!! here.
    Looking forward to reading the next blog and hope that you are a lot more comfortable with this chemo.
    Love Melanie and Graham xxxx

  8. Hi George,

    Thanks for leaving a message on my blog. Sorry to hear of your setbacks but as you already know..keep focused and stay positive; you’ll beat this!

    All the Best!

    Matt Sinclair

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