Lucy Rapp is a great many things. She is, for example, my cousin. She’s also delightful and enormous fun. She’s somewhat Northern, and all round a gorgeous and wonderful person.

However, she assures me she is NOT a natural runner… So it is even more of a challenge for her to be running 10km in London on 2nd July than it would be anyway. What’s more, she’s doing it for Leukaemia Care, the main support charity for people with leukaemia and their families, which is wonderful.

This is where you come in… Get your virtual wallets out, head to and support her, thus helping me and so many other leukaemia sufferers. She’s even doing it on 2nd July… Please be generous!

A lovely little quotation to end (in fact, Lucy sent it to me):

‘It’s easy enough to smile
when the world rolls along like a song.
But a man’s worthwhile
if he can smile
when everything goes wrong.’

3 thoughts on “Great events on 2nd July, number 1

  1. What a LEGEND you are dear Lucy! I shall be sponsoring you nae worries.. Georgey should we go meet her at the end with a vat of Pimms??? hmmmm xx

  2. Am feeling VERY sick – results come out tomorrow… You may not hear from me for a while. I will be hiding of shame. Love you though, and think of you lots. Keep killing the little bastards!
    C x x

  3. Well I certainly do not deserve such descriptions!!! It is you who is the absolute LEGEND!

    I think (and many others alike) that you are amazing and your courage and strength is beyond boundaries, X-Men status perhaps!

    The run is going to be a giggle as I turn into a Ribena berry who puffs and pants a lot, after a very short distance!

    By the way have been hatching plans to kidnap you (& your friends if you like,)for adventures at Blackberry Cottage!

    Chat soon

    Lots of love
    sunshine and prayers always

    lucy x x x x (a very lucky cousin to have cousins and family like ours!)

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