Hey everyone, this is Fred posting on behalf on George. He wants to wish you all a merry christmas and apologise for not posting for a while. He has written a whole bunch of stuff over the last week but hasn’t got around to uploading it yet, hopefully it will appear soon! He came out of hospital on christmas eve, and stayed with us in Tooting until this morning (boxing day). It was lovely being able to have him with us for christmas but by the end of it he was mahussively tired, so much so that he slept all of today after returning to St.Georges! But the main reason for this is that he hopes everyone had a wonderful christmas.

7 thoughts on “Happy Christmas!

  1. Belated vrolijke Kerstmis and joyeuses Fetes and froehliche Weihnachten from trilingual (yes, German is an official language too) Belgium! I hope that someone thought of giving you four calling birds today; if not, let me know and it shall be taken care of…
    Isabella in Brussels

  2. Merry Christmas to you too George. Hope your stocking was filled with lots of nice things!
    Lots of love
    Hannah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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