Well, what can i say? It’s been a pretty crazy fortnight, and my brain is still barely even starting to understand it. Before anything else, I do want to say a big farewell to Grandma – again I haven’t quite got my head around the fact that she’s gone, but am of course sad, though by the sound of it she was ready to go. Please keep Granpa and the rest of my family in your thoughts and prayers.

My overwhelming feeling at the moment, as it has been since I’ve recovered enough to realise I’m alive and kicking, is sheer joy. The world is magnificent, beautiful and blessed – I feel so fortunate to be here to share it. Wow! I am just in awe of life, and ready to utterly embrace it. The feeling is astonishing, and in many ways I am so lucky to be experiencing it. I wouldn’t recommend a week in ITU for anyone, but boy do you appreciate life when it almost eludes you…!

As you probably already knew, my family is wonderful. If you didn’t, you do now. Their support was unquantifiable, and I know you have all been grateful too for them keeping you in the loop. So: a heartfelt and eternal thank you to them all for everything. And then some. I definitely couldn’t have done it without them.

I’m actually typing this on my new telephone, which is brilliant! Many of you will know I’ve had the same phone for four years, so I was ready for an upgrade… I can now do clever things like photos, and the email capacity seems superb – internet’s not working on the ward but hopefully this will work almost as well!

Every day I’m feeling stronger and healthier, though my body is still weak and it is of course taking time to build up muscles etc again. Today I’m challenging myself to walk to Peabody’s for lunch – it will be easily the farthest I’ll have walked on my own so far, but I reckon the smell of panini toasting will keep me going!

I’ll let you know how I get on and any other news as the day pans out. Do keep posting your comments – they have been hugely appreciated and were another factor in keeping me going! You can text my new mobile, too, on the same number as always. I am feeling ready to see people again, though not too many at once, so give me a shout if you fancy coming to say hello. I have chemo on Friday, and will hopefully be allowed home soon after that for a bit, but we will have to see what the state of play is then.

10 thoughts on “It’s… me!

  1. thought would see how you’re doing cos i’m on a revision break @ mo! fun fun fun!!
    it all sounds fab, well done for being so much better!!! ITU sounded really scary!!
    but sorry to hear about your granny.
    Anyway enjoy your panini (+ your new phone!!)
    + keep smiling!!
    x x x x x x x x x x x x

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother, sending prayers for her and all your family.
    Am so pleased to hear you are starting to feel back on ‘George form’! I think food would always help as a goal to walk further than before! I am also very jealous of your new phone..I was like you in that I have had mine for about 5 years – pictures are far to high tech!!!
    Love and hugs as ever

  3. My condolences for your grandma George, my heart goes out to you and the rest of the family, especially my chum Harri. I must admit, I’ve been following this blog and sending good vibes your way, and I’m very glad you’ve pulled through. Though nowhere near what you’ve been through, I was in hospital briefly a couple of weeks ago to get my tonsils out, and being the first time since I’ve been in since I was six, it was a tiny bit worrisome, not to mention exhausting. I can only imagine what the last couple of weeks have been like. Keep rested, and look after yourself.

  4. George,
    WELL DONE! I am so proud of you, though never doubted you, and just so pleased. Life really is wonderful. Sorry to hear about your grandmother, prayers all round.
    Masses of love and hope to see you soon.
    Take care and big smiles,
    Ellie xxx

  5. So sorry to hear of your grandmother and thoughts to your dad and his father and sister. Great to know that you are up to writing again George, hope you managed to get that panini for you lunch. What a very clever phone you have now!!!! Love and thoughts as ever. Melanie xxxx

  6. LOVE LOVE HUG HUG HUG XXX how lovely to have you blogging again XX

  7. George!

    So sorry to hear about your Granmother, prayers to your Dad.

    I COULDN’T be more delighted that you are back to posting form again; keep up the good work!

    (Do us all a favour though? Next time you feel like scaring us all completely witless, throw a Holloween Party or something? I’d rather face a spider any day! J/K babe!)

    Hope lunch was good! Are we allowed to text you on your wizzy new phone? Will try tomorrow.

    Love & hugs always,

  8. Is the ‘Jo, 5,500 words to go, 3 days left… oh dear.’ who posted a comment just up there the ‘Jo’ that I think it is??? Well if it is, will you tell her to get on with her work or I’ll stop being nice to her when she comes home. Bad bad girl . . .


    PS Glad you are feeling better, George.

  9. Georgey porge,

    you are an absolute inspiration! It is just wonderful to hear you so upbeat. Keep smiling!!

    Chris x

  10. Dude! I’m so happy to hear that bouncing wee georgie voice singing its lilts to me over the interweb!!! I can’t even begin to imagine what the past coupla weeks have been like for you, but i hope that you’ve now got a lot less tubes in you than you have had and that this is the last time you scare the sweet bejesus over me with only the internet for info (tho thanks to yer family for that – love, hugs, eternal respect and more love to them all…)

    Anyways, big fat hurrah to you for stamping on those damn bugs, and i hope they don’t bother youse again…

    Loadsa bouncing geordie love,


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