Well, I started writing a blog post at 7.15 this morning, having slept for a couple of hours from midnight but then having been kept awake by serious pain in the legs… Various painkillers eased it to varying extents, but all in all it wasn’t the way I’d hoped to spend my last night in! When it was a bit less bad I managed to get some reading done, and my trusty iPod helped distract me, but I’m now exhausted, having only managed those couple of hours’ sleep in the end…

However, now the feet and knees are feeling better, the doctor isn’t worried about them (it may well be coming off the steroids that caused the problem), and I’m on my way home! It’s so exciting to be out, though it does seem to be a lifetime since I last was… Being very tired makes it that bit more surreal, but at least I’m not delusional now! I’m also aware that I can catch up on sleep much more comfortably and easily at home, so I’m not worried about missing out on it.

I’ll let you know when I’m comfortably ensconced at home – yay!

4 thoughts on “Long night…

  1. ah the first apperance of the ginger lord. georgio – love from all our family. think it is a worry that they haev let you out, your terrorism of old ladies and little children is now free to continue. would be good to catch up some time, i am on half term next week! also now i have handed in my notice at school it enables me to be a little freer, hence finally finding this blog!

  2. Hi, my name is Jess and I found your blog through a friend on miltnet.com. Im a 23 year old Aussie-Londoner, diagnosed with ALL in December last year. I’d love to have a chat to you or flick a few emails back and forth – I really enjoyed reading through your blog, and have one of my own in the making.
    You can find me on http://www.miltnet.com/miltchat nickname ‘Neutgirl’ (how original, I hear you say!)
    Hope you get in touch!


  3. Brilliant news that you’re on your way home!! Enjoy! You certainly deserve some intense relaxation after the roller coaster ride of the last few weeks.

    Take good care of yourself.
    Much love to you and your amazing family,

    Cheeky xx
    Ps. You’re amazing too!!

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