13 thoughts on “Moonface

  1. wow come sei figo!! direi che hai fatto bene a tagliare i capelli. non ti ho chiamato in questi giorni per non disturbati ma come sai ti penso sempre. love you heaps george x x x

  2. sarei curiosa di sapere se row è italiano…..:-)o un tuo amico iglese che scrive perfettamente italiano….:-)ed io che credevo di poter scrivere in italiano senza che gli altri capissero quello che dicessi…illusa!!!!:-)

    A proposito di luna…beh…visto che siamo in tema….guardando questa foto ci si rende conto di una cosa:hai due occhi che sono due stelle:stupendi…ci si incanta a guardarli,proprio come quando si alzano gli occhi al cielo e ci si incanta a guardare le stelle…con te è lo stesso…!

    con affetto smisurato


  3. Hello George
    Just to say hello and that I’m thinking of you from edinburgh. Good to know that the lumbar punctures are not as painful as they look, hopefully next time I wont faint when watching one!
    lots of love Pascale xxx

  4. Dearest George,

    A thing most wonderful happened yesterday; I met a friend of yours after mass at the Catholic Chaplaincy here in Munich! Stuart from Birmingham, who studied Math at Balliol and went to school with Katie Ellis! And so, on the other side of the English Channel, we were able to speak of how lovely you are…
    Thinking of you.

  5. Porgeous, I like your googly-eyed singing friends very much. And I like the Moon. Hope your Sunday was alright, that your Monday is better.
    Taking What a Carve Up on the plane, thank you for introducing us.
    Masses of love, Shelob
    P.S. I’ve decided I’m definitely not a lesbian as far as I can tell.

  6. Mooooooooooon!!! so beautiful and glowing. can’t wait to see you later hon, many many stories to tell by the light of the mooooon. LOVE xxxx

  7. Salut!
    I’ve just spent the last five minutes trying to write something in French to fit in with your multi-lingual blog but sadly my French is no longer good enough to be exposed to the public. As you know I’m thinking of you lots and miss you… keep smiling. Lots of love,
    Robyn xxxxx

  8. george! have just discovered blogging! wow. what an invention! am somewhat overexcited and just want to say thanks for introducing me to another form of cyberworld and also of course hope those neutros are doing what they’re meant to be doing, and the bugs are staying far away. enjoy your time at home and i’ll pop by the krankenhaus when you’re back. take care mate, lol xxx

  9. Coucou mon doux…:-)
    stamatt ho avuto il piacere di fare una conversazione telefonica in francese…quindi…
    j ai décidé d’écrire ce tout petit (pas trop) message en français.J’espère k ça va te faire plaisir.C la II fois aujourd hui que je controle ton blog pour voir s’il a été mis à jour…eh non…tant pis pour moi.C dommage….!tu sais,c tellement bien d’avoir de tes nouvelles par ce blog, que quand il n y en a pas, forcément je suis un peu déçue.c pas du tout grave…je me soulage en relisant les anciens messages…:-)Voilà voilà…
    Je pense qu’à ce moment là mon colis est bien arrivé chez toi…tu me diras..d accord?

    çA ne sert a rien que je te redise que je pense tout le temps à toi..tout le temps…je sais que tu te poses toujours la meme queastion:”comment ça se fait que cette fille italienne pense tjs à moi???”Pas de réponse, pas d’ explications..désolée…c comme çA!il faut que tu fasses avec.
    Ce matin j ai commencé à lire le livre dont je t avais parlé au tél il n y pas long temps:Bob Smith”Il ragazzo che amava Shakespeare”..Pour l instant çA me plait assez…il faut voir après si ça continue comme ça..

    Je t embrasse fort…gros bisous


  10. Scuse me, George, you did say you wanted us to talk to each other!

    Mc – don’t be so sure that English people can’t read Italian! I’m one of George’s aunts, and Robin’s mother. I can’t write Italian, but I can read most of what you write. I told Robin what you wrote about his comment. I’ve just found your comment that you would have liked to answer him direct, so I thought you might like to know that. I’m sure he’d have been very happy to get a message direct from you, but no, he doesn’t understand Italian.

    Hope you have a good journey home on Wednesday, George.


  11. George, You have a very good blog going. Have just had a peek on the Rook site, whose editor seems to still be on holiday.. I have a fractured arm, for which I am lapping up the sympathy. I hope that you are getting plenty more though. Have a good break at home. Ed R-s

  12. Hi Katie…This is Mariacristina.It was really a pleasure to get your message!And it’s a greater pleasure to “know”George’s aunt!
    Well…now I know that English people can understand and read Italian very well…!If I have to be honest, sometimes it’s a bit embarrassing to know that other people can read what I write…
    What about French?Can you read also it?:-)If you can, it’a problem to me because I can’t speak other languages!:-)

    If Robyn doesn’t understand English, it means that next time I will have to write in English to answer him.That’s sure I will do it if he likes to.

    For Robyn:last time I wanted you to know that I agreed with you about what you said about girls:Yes,it’s true:women adore boys with short hair…:-)and George looks really great with short hair!He’s handsome!

    P.S.sorry for my English…Taht’s why I prefer writing in Italian…

    George…non immagini quanto sia stata dura scrivere in inglese…e non voglio neanche immaginare quanti errori ho commesso….Ma ci tenevo tanto a rispondere a tua zia, è stata così gentile e simpatica a scrivermi questo msg!é proprio un fatto di famiglia?siete tutti cosi adorabili?!

    Torniamo a noi….ora ho la conferma che gli altri capiscono…avevo già qualche sospetto a riguardo ed il msg di tua zia mi ha dato solo una conferma…allora facevo e faccio bene a non sbilanciarmi troppo…niente c—— sul blog….!!!fa niente…ci sono sempre i messaggi di testo per quelle…;-)

    Un abbraccio grande grande!

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