…and they’ll invent a better fool.
I’m living life because I’m alive (woohoo!) – despite the best efforts of cancer. At the end of October 2005, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, at the age of 23.
Since then, I’ve recovered (2008), ‘survived’ (2013), relapsed (2013), had a stem cell transplant (2014) and recovered again (ongoing).
And I’m still here, thanks to amazing medical staff, bacon sandwiches, wonderful friends and family, my fabulous wife Mariacristina, a handy preference for taking things as they come and my superstar donor Tim.
A lot of it’s here, but I’d love to tell you more – I’m a writer and a speaker and love to share my story, so get in touch if we can do some good together.
Dopo una maratona di sonno di circa 4 ore(dalle 16 alle 20), mi sono sveggliata e ho visto la star dei miei sogni…George Norton, ho subito pensato che dovevo fare di tutto per conoscerla e farmi firmare almeno un autografo, poi mi sono ricordata che è ho niente pòpò di meno che l’onore di essere la sua compagna;-)
Pausa time???:-)se ci sei,fatti vivo sul nostro luogo d’incontro preferito…;-)
miiiiiii quanto mi manchi….miii…..miiiiiii..miiiiiiiii
ecco, è frustrante, non ho altro modo per comunicare con te stasera, nè cell, nè telefono.ahhhhhhhhh!(questo sarebbe un grido di disperazione;-)
Allora, AUGURI….e spero tu sappia perchè….
Domani sveglia alle 6, corso di spagnolo alle otto. Quindi nanna presto, credo verso mezzanotte ora italiana.(dipende se avrò sonno o meno, improbabile considerato che ho gia dormito tanto oggi pomeriggio).Da qui il mio sentito appello:www.vienipresto.it
P.S.maledetto fuso orario!!!!!!!
I don’t THINK Mummy met any of these people??!! Pleased they only got a maximum of 61% match or I would be starting to get worried…
PS I can see you are fully occupied….
I got a japanese guy and kiera knightley..Who am I? x
At least yours actually look like you! That Bing Crosby thing is a bit spooky; you have very similar smiles. I shall have to steal this later, as I seem to recall my supposed matches were hilarious.
ermmm this is NOT right…you absolutely cannot look like ricardo hammondo…
beh..a mio avviso nessuno di loro ti assomiglia..perchè nessuno al mondo può lontanamente equiparare la tua bellezza…NESSUNO può essere affascinante e bellissimo come te…:-)
English version(dimmi in bocca al lupo..ne ho bisogno;-): noone in the world can be as charming and handsome as you..erm..maybe tuo padre?;-)
mi manchi amore..tanto tanto tanto
hmmmm… I am not sure I trust this face recognition thing… do I really look like Oprah? Hope all’s well in the real world.
hmmmm… I am not sure I trust this face recognition thing… do I really look like Oprah? Hope all’s well in the real world.
I hadn’t noticed that you had so many lookalikes, ie Richard hammond…..I hope all things go well with you and your chemo. Just come back after a fab weekend in Dublin visiting my Bro and his family. See you soon
Phil Wilkinson