It’s a bit late and I ought to either be sleeping or packing, so I’ll keep this brief. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I shall return to St George’s to finish off the Intensification Therapy. I went up on Monday and Laura (the transplant nurse) ran around like a mad thing ringing up to book me in for tests and sending me hither and thither to have all sorts of things checked, including my blood, teeth, heart and chest… More tests to come when I’m back in, and they’ll be worked in around my final dose of methotrexate on Thursday, final dose of aspariganase on Friday, and of course the folinic acid etc while I am being attacked by the methotrexate.

On Saturday I’ll start having growth factors (G-CSF), which I will have to give myself (or get my Dad too, but I’d rather enjoy the challenge myself – more about that later) when I’m let out after the methotrexate has gone from my system… That’ll probably be around Tuesday 14th March.

Hopefully I’ll have a room the wireless signal reaches – I’ll post asap if I do! Failing that, I’ll at least get someone else to post to let you know my new phone number. I really do hope I’ll be online myself, though, particularly as I have a lot more to say when I’m in hospital; or at least, I’m more motivated to say things. Home -> rest -> lethargy -> not much blogging…

5 thoughts on “St George’s here I come… again

  1. Hi George, wondered if you fancied visitors this week in Tooting.. Let me know and I’ll pop down
    07921 777825

  2. Hey…ci risiamo allora!
    mi sa che ti sei dimenticato quello che ti ho detto….(o forse no…),ma se mai ti passasse per la testa di voler fare due chiacchiere con una napoletana pazza da legare, basta che tu mi faccia uno squillo e ti chiamo, ok?

    baci baciotti


  3. Hey George. All unpacked and settled? Hope new room blessed with interweb magic. On addictions: my list has just swelled to include boots cough syrup. Will get 24 out and have a go at that. Don’t think I’ve been getting enough fun out of unemployment and perhaps a season of Kiefer Sutherland is part of the march forward. Maybe tomorrow I’ll take up ice -skating. Sheila xx

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