Well, it looks like I will manage to get a short break at home at last. Breakout is planned for early tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 7 Dec) when Dad will pick up Harriet and me and drive us home – cannot wait!! So DO NOT ring my room after midday, or you may get a surprised new resident! While not wishing to appear churlish, I hope that you will understand that this will be a chance to relax with family and get away from the routine of hospital. Much as I enjoy all your calls and visits, I would like to take a breather now and so would ask you not to ring home or my mobile unless you really must!  I will probably be able to spend some time uploading to my blog and catching up on emails – please don’t bombard me with lots of new ones or I shall never get my rest!! But thank you all for your contact and support which have helped me get through this first phase. I’ll be back at St G’s on Monday 12 December and if my white cells have recovered enough, they will start the next treatment. Next update from HOME!

8 thoughts on “The Escape Plan!!

  1. George, good work brother. Am glad to hear that you’re getting home. Have been amazed and impressed by your attitude and outlook. Will try hard to get to see you at home. Love Tom

  2. Hi George

    Just to say have a good rest and relax at home.

    I think I’ve accidently as I logged in to leave a msg have created my own blog page – clever old me!

    Me and technology don’t really go!!

    love lots
    and the rest of the Rapp clan x x x x

  3. Ciao George,sono contentissima di sapere che sei finalmente a casa.
    allora ti auguro una buona permanenza a casa tua in compagnia della tua famiglia.

    riposo e relax riposo e relax relax e riposo relax e riposo…un pรฒ ripetitiva lo so….ma non guasta!

    un abbraccio forte forte forte forte.Chissร  se tua sorella ti ha abbracciato da parte mia.immagino di si:-)


  4. George,

    Congratulations on finishing phase one. Sorry I’ve not posted here yet, but I’ve been an avid reader (and have been humming myself to sleep with the Asparaginese song many a night…).

    And really sorry I’ve not been able to escape to the real world and visit you yet, but I hope you got my letter. I’ll keep checking here to see when you’re back at St Yours – I should hopefully be home by then and thus free to come and visit lots.

    Have a great time at home. Eat and rest well.

    Best wishes,


  5. Hey George. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can’t believe I’ve only just got round to posting a comment here. My internet connection just ain’t what it used to be. And I’ve been far, far too lazy about keeping in touch. I’m terribly sorry about that, believe me. But I will be writing you one of my trademark rambling, no-news-containing letters very soon. I bet you can’t wait. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Take care of yourself and have a good lazy time at home. I’ll try to keep up to date from now on, eh?

  6. Hi Mariacristina Thanks for your very sweet reply. It was really nice of you to write in English, and it was very good – no need to apologise! Yes, I can read French … but then I like languages, like George and his brother Fred and presumably lots of their friends too. Not all English people do – my own sons don’t really ๐Ÿ™

    Bet it’s good to be at home, George, especially with Andrew’s cooking. Enjoy!



  7. Cousin from rural Oxfordshire here posting a blog comment for the very first time and wondering how impressed teenage daughter and 10yo son will be tonight after school to find out that I have managed it! ENJOY your time at home George . Sending you love, hope and loads of good thoughts.[ V.glad that you like Lou Reed btw.]

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