Were I as orderly as I like the world to be in general, I'd have posted two days ago, on Day +31, as I had a rare combination of both news and a time-relevant theme to write about. However, I'm pleased to say that the news – that I was out of hospital again – meant I … Continue reading Days +31 to +33: You’re only as old as…
Day +30: The little big three-zero
It's Day +30 today, which may not carry much particular weight medically, except perhaps prompting another chimerism test, but feels good to have reached – albeit in hospital! Sadly the '3' and '0' balloons we used previously are at home, and I'm not, but it still feels like an achievement to have got through the first thirty days … Continue reading Day +30: The little big three-zero
Day +29: Isn’t life strange? A musical interlude
Heavily boosted by a large Costa cappuccino smuggled in by Mariacristina, I've been bursting with energy and positivity this afternoon and felt an urge to share some of it with my merry band of blog followers before the caffeine high wears off. I hardly need to remind you how important I consider it to make … Continue reading Day +29: Isn’t life strange? A musical interlude
Days +27 and +28: Better safe than sorry
I suppose all good things must come to an end – or at least a pause, in the case of my most recent wonderful time at home. One of the 'rules' I have to follow in order to minimise risks is to go straight to A&E when my temperature spikes over 38 degrees, which it … Continue reading Days +27 and +28: Better safe than sorry
Days +23 to +26: Food fights
A very Happy (delayed) Easter to everyone; I hope you all enjoyed the celebrations and/or the long weekend, as you prefer. I very nearly posted this 'ambush' video yesterday after discovering Mariacristina had taken it, but soon decided that nobody would be in a rush to hear from me on Easter Sunday – and I was too … Continue reading Days +23 to +26: Food fights
Days +20 to +22: Going the distance
Mariacristina was off work on Monday, having traded it for working on Sunday to keep social media updated with the progress of runners in the London Marathon raising money for CAFOD, the charity where she works. They included Tom Jarvis, the youngest participant this year, who turned 18 just two days before the event. I am in … Continue reading Days +20 to +22: Going the distance
Days +17 to +19: On parole
When I reached a point in my leukaemia treatment the first time around where I was able to get out and about and look to start working again, going back to my old job at Literary Review wasn't going to work out very well, not least because my replacement was doing fabulously and resources at the magazine were limited. In addition, … Continue reading Days +17 to +19: On parole
Day +15: The bald truth
Growing up, I invariably went to the same hairdresser in Chichester, an incredibly shy but sweet man called Stephen. He didn't do anything special, but cut my hair in the same inoffensive style, to the same length all over. I was very happy with this. At boarding school a hairdresser visited on certain days at certain … Continue reading Day +15: The bald truth
Day +14 (and +13): Selective memory
While browsing a forum for stem cell transplant patients, I was fascinated to read about one woman who has absolutely no memory of her transplant or the days before and after the procedure. She was looking for reassurance that there was nothing untoward in her lack of memory, particularly given the detailed stories being recounted by … Continue reading Day +14 (and +13): Selective memory