The memory of Jana Novotna crying on the Duchess of Kent's shoulder after throwing away the Wimbledon title in 1993 to Steffi Graf prior is so fiercely seared in my brain that I'd forgotten she went on to win it in 1998. I remember barely being able to watch as the underdog comprehensively lost her position … Continue reading Game and first set
The waiting game
It's been over a week since I finished the chemotherapy, and in terms of treatment – from my immediate standpoint – there isn't much to report medically. My white blood cell count is still right down, and while it remains there, there's nothing much to be done apart from wait for it to come back … Continue reading The waiting game
(Il mio post in inglese tradotto e modificato da Mariacristina, con il suo talento, stile e senso d'umorismo... e un po' di monelleria) Dicevano che sarebbe stato un trattamento intenso. Non mentivano! Non sono riuscito a scrivere sul mio blog per un paio di giorni perche' non ho energie e mi sento molto stanco. Per ovviare … Continue reading L’intensità…
This is Hardcore
Well, they said it was going to be intensive, and they definitely weren't joking. I've not managed to blog for a few days because the chemo really wiped out my energy levels. The good news is that I was given some blood last night and am receiving some more now, boosting my haemoglobin and therefore … Continue reading This is Hardcore
Days 2/3… / Giorni 2/3…
So! Allora! Last night was a late one after all, as the Cytarabine couldn't start until four hours after the Fludarabine had finished, and then was dripped in over another four hours, finishing somewhere near 2am. But Day 2 was then complete, and at least the Fludarabine only took 30min! I've been feeling sleepy today, … Continue reading Days 2/3… / Giorni 2/3…
Hormone, Hickman and, er, cHemo
PER GLI ITALIANI: ho iniziato il trattamento e ricevuto la prima chemioterapia, attraverso il mio nuovo Hickman line! Provero' di scriverne di piu' dopo... Hormone Yesterday was Day 1 of treatment, meaning I got my first G-CSF (a growth hormone to encourage the immature lymphoblasts to get out and about into the bloodstream and into … Continue reading Hormone, Hickman and, er, cHemo
Slow progress / avanzamento lento
THANK YOU! The response Mariacristina and I have had from friends, relatives and people we'd been trying to shake off for years has been overwhelming (in a hugely positive way); thank you all so much for your kindness, generosity, support and love. It means more than you can imagine. GRAZIE! La risposta che io e … Continue reading Slow progress / avanzamento lento