Day +9, by Mariacristina: Between shameful truth and hidden strength

Mariacristina writes... Two days ago, one of my favourite colleagues at work asked me to go out for lunch to our "usual" place, Pronto – a really great Italian place I was introduced to by the Raleigh gang when the office was based in London Waterloo. She asked me how things are with George and I gave … Continue reading Day +9, by Mariacristina: Between shameful truth and hidden strength

A very special Christmas – best wishes to everyone!

HAPPY CHRISTMAS! I'll not be going out (except perhaps for a walk on Streatham Common, during which I'll be making people wonder what they've done wrong when I change my course to avoid them, or cover my mouth and nose when they approach) for at least the next few days. Instead we'll be enjoying our first Christmas … Continue reading A very special Christmas – best wishes to everyone!