I reluctantly decided not to go ahead with launching a #selfiewithmyplatelets campaign, partly because I'm not sure anyone in the country has any money left after donating generously to various cancer charities as a result of the #nomakeupselfie campaign on Facebook. I expect you'll have heard of it even if you've avoided the social network, … Continue reading Day +12: Charity case
Day +9, by Mariacristina: Between shameful truth and hidden strength
Mariacristina writes... Two days ago, one of my favourite colleagues at work asked me to go out for lunch to our "usual" place, Pronto – a really great Italian place I was introduced to by the Raleigh gang when the office was based in London Waterloo. She asked me how things are with George and I gave … Continue reading Day +9, by Mariacristina: Between shameful truth and hidden strength
Day +6: Uncertain manoeuvres and the flu
Once Mariacristina and I had ridden the first bumps in our relationship and come out stronger than ever, the question arose as to where we were going to live once she finished her studies. After all the challenges we'd faced in the first year or two, it was no longer suitable to stay in different countries … Continue reading Day +6: Uncertain manoeuvres and the flu
Not long to go now…
All good things must come to an end, and my neutrophil-powered 'holiday' from treatment is no exception – although it has been extended from its original planned duration. Following the exciting news of my complete remission, the doctors had targeted this sort of date for my re-admission into St George's to begin pre-transplant induction therapy, … Continue reading Not long to go now…
Chicken legs and fizzing fingers
I turned to Mariacristina. "You know, cuore," I said. She raised an eyebrow, perhaps aware of the imminent musical plagiarism to which she was about to be subjected. "I would walk 500 miles..." I began. "Not with those chicken legs, you wouldn't," she replied. It was a fair point. One of the consequences of the … Continue reading Chicken legs and fizzing fingers
Toxicity vs tiredness…
Weary, weary, weary... The first phase of chemotherapy may have been particularly intensive from a toxicity point of view – and the delayed recovery to my blood counts was reflected in that – but it didn't come anywhere near this phase in terms of tiring me out. In terms of toxicity, this round has generally … Continue reading Toxicity vs tiredness…
Knowing your limits
For me, one of the great joys of being at boarding school was the time and opportunity to do all sorts of different things (here I go again); the days were scheduled so as to be able to get involved in sports, theatre, drama and whatever else might take your fancy. Being a keen bean … Continue reading Knowing your limits
A Christmas to remember; and Happy New Year!
Every year for almost eight in a row – with one year's break for my first bout of leukaemia treatment – I helped to look after disabled people for a week in Lourdes in southwest France with the young Catholic charity the Order of Malta Volunteers. As you can imagine, I wouldn't have gone so … Continue reading A Christmas to remember; and Happy New Year!
Driving forward
Can you help with lifts to/from Hampstead? Skip to the final few paragraphs if you don't want to read about my hopeless driving exploits first... Being a little lazy, and a little contrary, I shunned the chance to learn how to drive when still in the supportive bosom of my family home, where my father … Continue reading Driving forward
A very special Christmas – best wishes to everyone!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS! I'll not be going out (except perhaps for a walk on Streatham Common, during which I'll be making people wonder what they've done wrong when I change my course to avoid them, or cover my mouth and nose when they approach) for at least the next few days. Instead we'll be enjoying our first Christmas … Continue reading A very special Christmas – best wishes to everyone!