If being famous means helping people with blood cancer by telling my story to 5,200+ people at the Royal Albert Hall for Christmas Carols with Bloodwise, then it's awesome.
♫ And you were there, my good man ♫
"Anyone who signs up to the stem cell register must have at least a minimal level of goodness," I was telling our guests on Saturday, not long before they went on their way. And it's true. You're offering to help a stranger – if you're found one day to be a match – with no benefit … Continue reading ♫ And you were there, my good man ♫
Passing it on with Destination: Cure
JULY 2016 UPDATE: NHS England has, devastatingly, announced it will no longer routinely fund second stem cell transplants – the opposite of what I explained Anthony Nolan and I were trying to do in my post below, this time last year. Please sign and share Anthony Nolan's petition against this. You can read more on their … Continue reading Passing it on with Destination: Cure