"Anyone who signs up to the stem cell register must have at least a minimal level of goodness," I was telling our guests on Saturday, not long before they went on their way. And it's true. You're offering to help a stranger – if you're found one day to be a match – with no benefit … Continue reading ♫ And you were there, my good man ♫
Days +51 to +55: The Donor Song (my new bone marrow’s from you)
I sometimes wonder whether I could have been a half-decent musician, had I ever put in the hours practising. "But why break a habit of a lifetime?" I thought this weekend when recording The Donor Song (my new bone marrow's from you) in a fit of gratitude and creativity. I'll use my bunged-up nose to plead … Continue reading Days +51 to +55: The Donor Song (my new bone marrow’s from you)