There are many important days in one’s life, but some stick in the memory more clearly than others. I have a feeling today will be one of them, as I received the donor cells I need to build my immune system and give myself the best chance possible to keep those nasty lymphoblasts away. So, an excuse for a party, and even another video!

My father and Mariacristina provided the party accessories, a wonderful unknown donor provided the stem cells, and the doctors and nurses provided the expertise. Here’s how it unfolded:

Mariacristina in a party hat
Mariacristina prepares for the party
George, his father and a ZERO balloon
Celebrating with my father and a big fat Day ZERO balloon
George, Mc and balloon
George and Mariacristina in the Day 0 spirit
Lucy, George and stem cells in a bag
Nurse Lucy proudly presents the stem cells ready to be infused
George and his father high-fiving
Celebrating the end of the transplant!
Doctor Dara (Transplant Fellow) and George reflect on a job well done
Transplant Fellow Dara and George reflect on a job well done. What’s next? Que Dara, Dara…
George and Mariacristina
Mariacristina hopes the new stem cells won’t change George toooo much…

Suffice to say, it’s a great feeling to have got to this stage, and although there’s still a long path ahead (starting with the new cells needing to engraft), it’s a huge milestone to have reached.

I’m so grateful to all those who have supported me in getting this far, from the anonymous donor and all the doctors and nurses, as well, of course, as all of you have been there with me all along. Please stick with me through the next few weeks as I face the latest challenges; your support keeps me smiling and positive!

For now though, let’s enjoy this memorable day – what some people like to think of as a second birthday (even my celebratory Magnum seemed to agree)…

George holding a finished Magnum stick saying 'BIRTHDAY'

10 thoughts on “Day 0: Transplant party time

  1. Wonderful stuff George, party hard and keep up the good spirits. happy 2nd birthday and leave a Magnum for MC as well. big hugs from me and Dave

  2. I am Harriet and Rebecca Murlands mum and I want to wish you well with your stem cell transplant!! Lots of love Alix xxx

  3. Hi George, Mariacristina and Andrew

    Sounds as if you are partying in style. Good for you and mind you keep at it, and smiling. Hope all goes well in the next few weeks. Love from all the Blotts xx

  4. Be prepared for the engraftment / “pasqua” party we are going to throw you while in london 😉 so keep getting stronger!!!!! Love u!

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