Well, it’s been a bit of time since I wrote something myself to go up here – at least, I think it is….. I’m feeling a lot more weary now, so my brain isn’t on top form! But anyway, a quick update on the past few days, which have been pretty full in terms of chemo: today is the first day in 6 that I haven’t had any. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday were the intramuscular (as the song goes “Asparaginase, aspariganase, Gets jabbed in my buttocks/ Every two days” – trust me, it’s catchy), which are never ENORMOUS fun, but not too bad really. The last intravenous was on Monday, and it was fine (though fingers are definitely still tingly), and on Wednesday I had the intrathecal [lumbar puncture], which is a lot worse to think about than to have done! Pain was minimal, but lying on my side knowing what the doctor was doing was odd….. But really, it was fine: it’s much harder for the doctor, who actually has to do the work [and had a number of spectators!]. But that’s the case for all the treatment: my part is easy! I just get it done……

So now just two intramuscular jabs left and this course will be over…. Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun? Monday I’ll have another bone marrow test (though this time with sedation: hurrah!), and will have to wait on those results before going home, perhaps on Wednesday…… All depends, but that’s the current hope.

Will sign off now to send this with my darling father to hopefully go up tonight. Continued thanks to everyone! Will post again very soon. [hopefully from home, Dad]

[By Dad – George is definitely wearier – if you are visiting, be happy just to be there and accept that he may not wish to talk (or listen) a lot. He still appreciates you visiting. Plan for home is to let him build up his strength again at his own pace plus a bit! Good food, rest and TLC. He will probably not want too many visitors during that period.]

3 thoughts on “Day 26

  1. Well done indeed for ‘getting it done’…hard work whatever you say.Girls thinking of you all the time & wishing you home very soon for a well-earned rest.
    Jess may try to write to you in spanish or bahasa as we have decided none of your really cool bloggers seem to use english!Larf of the day here…Grace’s spelling homework…write a sentence using the word…economical’My mum is ecinomical because she spends money carefully and sensibly.”just had to post that one up for all to see. hilariousx

  2. George,
    Thinking of you masses out here in Zambia. Hope you got my letter.
    All is well here though still very hot.
    Can’t wait to see you in March when I get back.
    Lots of love, Ellie x

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