20 thoughts on “Ever onward, ever upward …

  1. hi George,
    delighted to hear that the neuts have moved up. must be the extra sunlight, the blue paint or perhaps the noise of the nurses that scared them into moving.
    see u soon.

  2. Hurray!

    I am pleased to hear that things are getting at least a little better.

    Sending you much oxygen-enriched love as always

  3. iuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh George!Questa si che è una fantastica notizia!Sono troppo contenta!!!!!!!!!!!!



  4. Woo hoo!!!! Pizza down your top coming your way George!! Lots of love & hugs constantly coming up from deepest, darkest Devon.

    Lawes Family xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. George,
    Go for it! Well done with the fighting! Constantly thinking of you. Take care and hoping you like your new blue room (sounds a lot nicer than green!).
    Back at the end of next month so hoping to pop in very soon afterwards.
    Lots of love,
    Ellie (Remnant) xxx

  6. George
    so glad to hear you’re on the mend from what must have been a particularly bad couple of weeks.
    see you soon
    ali x

  7. George
    From 0.0 they can only get better…which seems indeed to be the case. Keep it up George, hope to see you soon.

    Take care for now


  8. George,
    All my prayers come down the line to you. Keep getting stronger. I would love to visit, so tell me when, and I’ll come over,
    Love Fr. G.

  9. Score!!! I’ve decided to support your neutrophils instead of my own beloved, ramshackle Newcastle United… Those goons in black and white can only make me feel more despondent about the world, whereas your happy neutrophils are heading up the league table, and soon your immune system will be playing in the champion’s league of hospital football against Bayern Pancreas… or something…

    Hope the warp level waffle entertains you and glad to hear that your more mended again and hopefully feeling much happier…

    love love LOVE to youse mista,


  10. Georgeous
    !!!……..What can I say. Just got back from the academy. Robert has a darling puppy called Hector. There is a massive George spaced hole though. All the reprogates noticed. Thinking of you and your countrymen on this particularly auspicious new year. Hope you are feeling better today.
    Shelob xxx

  11. George,
    Glad to hear the scene appears to be improving. Willing you on all the way.
    Love from all the Haslemere Rapps

  12. Georgie my love, have been amazed and astounded by your toughness over the past few weeks. It really has been rough for you, but even when gasping and shaking and looking green you’re still absolutly AWESOME! I’m so so happy about the glorious neutrophils finally doing the right thing, things can only get better now. Love you, you’re a cool dude x

  13. George, popsy-doodle

    I’ve got all the likkle kiddie-winks at All Hallows praying for you. Mostly grotty little heathens with shrivelled black souls, but they can be bribed to pray from time to time. I hope its working – but I overheard two of them asking who this Norton bloke was . . . and then I noticed that Graham Norton was looking pretty well these days, so perhaps he’s getting a few of your prayers?

    I’ll get Fr Daniel to have them redirected pronto.

    Big Dowbie

  14. hello darling
    Sorry to hear that you have been invaded by bugs but think you are well over due an invasion by yours truely (that’ll scare all the bugs away!). If there is anyway you could tell me whether you would be up to it next weekend (Feb 4th) that would be great. I don’t want to drain you though. I will keep sending you letters and if you are well enough I will call you too. So for now sunflower (remember that!) I will say Ta Ra. Love you sexy x x x

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