Please just click on the link below, scroll down to the big blue square, click on it and easyJet will donate 25p to the leukaemia charity, The Anthony Nolan Trust.

Please forward on to everyone you know, sit back and feel great about having done something good today!


Michelle Lane
Corporate Fundraising Manager

The Anthony Nolan Trust – Taking back lives from leukaemia

Tens of thousands of men, women and children are diagnosed with leukaemia each year in the UK, many will die if they do not find a suitable bone marrow donor. The Anthony Nolan Trust saves hundreds of these lives through providing volunteer donors from our register.

The Anthony Nolan Trust
2-3 Heathgate
Agincourt Road
Belsize Park
London NW3 2NU

Tel: 020 7284 8285
Fax: 020 7284 8202

6 thoughts on “Free money for charity!

  1. i’ve been clicking!!
    hope you are feeling ok george, and that the meeting with the consultant went well.
    lots of love xxx

  2. Wow, if only being good was always this easy!
    Hope you’re feeling well George, must come and see you again soon.


  3. I am charity queen at the moment! last night was crazy – remember very little, due to complete exhaustion… lectures have been a struggle today. hope the drinking is going well, you naughty boy X

  4. hellloooo george!! not really sure how this whole blog thing works but hope you get this!? glad to hear your hospital does good coffees, paninis, OMV doctors and DAMN FINE hairdressers!! really hope things are bumbling along ok at the moment, am thinking of you lots, always in my prayers, lots of love Harriet xxx (p.s. facebook is an evil procrastinatory tool, – am supposed to be writing lots of boring essays!)

  5. coucou!!!spero proceda tutto bene…io sono davvero al verde, ragion per cui non ricevi più msg…lo so….finalmente un pò di tregua!!!:-)il tempo di mettere i soldini da parte e ricomincio…
    qui tutto bene…le giornate di sole diventano sempre più frequenti…!

    ti penso sempre



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