At last, yesterday early evening, I escaped hospital. The doctor had told me on Tuesday that I was 99.9% certain to be able to leave yesterday, but I didn’t tell you lot because I didn’t want to tempt fate, particularly as that 0.1% has a nasty habit of proving vital… And it seemed as though it was once again going to ruin everything, when my morning blood count showed an increase in one of the liver counts. I got sent to Scanning for an ultrasound scan… but fortunately it was fine. So finally I was given the All Clear, and rang Sue, who very kindly drove up and brought me down to the South Coast.

My arm is still proving quite difficult to straighten entirely (due to the PICC line), though it generally isn’t as sore as it was. Partly that may be due to the poultice I had on it (looks like mud, smells like Vick’s) for 24 hours, or perhaps my arm is getting used to it and the mechanical irritation (that’s the technical term) is easing. I have to go back on Monday, to the Day Unit, for a blood test, particularly because that liver count was a bit up, so I think Michaela’s going to have another look at it then and might have to take it out (boooo!).

Excitingly, it seems I should be able to make it to the OMV Autumn Drinks Party on Friday, which I am very pleased about. My legs aren’t as strong as they used to be, though, so if you’re there and I insist on using a chair, don’t take it personally.

I have lots and lots of emails to catch up on, so I’ll slowly work my way through them – if anybody needs to know anything urgent then let me know and I’ll try to get back to you asap.

14 thoughts on “Freedom!

  1. George,

    GREAT, GREAT news… so hoping to see you tomorrow night at the drinks. Perhaps we could sellotape a chair to your bottom so you never have to worry about having to stand up for too long?

    LOTS of love,

    Cat V x

  2. Iuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!!!!(immaginami urlare di gioia per 60 secondi ininterrottamente)
    Bene bene, siamo finalmente usciti!!!!!!:-))))iuhuhuhuh(altri 60 secondi)
    Le dita mi fanno male….;-)ma il gioco è valso la candela:-))))

    ti abbraccio forte

    con affetto


  3. Greetings from Rome! We are looking out of the window and we can see your old block of flats..crazy.. I have come out 2 days early to surprise the hobbit, and I(fred) am really happy.. Awesome that you’re out of ‘hopsital’, get on a plane and we’ll go to Dar Poeta for a pizza, the three of us! Have fun at the drinks party, loads of love from us both..See you at christmas, if not before! woop woop x x x x

  4. Greetings from Rome! We are looking out of the window and we can see your old block of flats..crazy.. I have come out 2 days early to surprise the hobbit, and I(fred) am really happy.. Awesome that you’re out of ‘hopsital’, get on a plane and we’ll go to Dar Poeta for a pizza, the three of us! Have fun at the drinks party, loads of love from us both..See you at christmas, if not before! woop woop x x x x

  5. Contrary to what George may have told people, I am not in Prison, but in a juvenile centre abroad(location secret).. x

  6. I tuned in on a good day-fantastic to know you are heading home.Sorry no news for ages.All well here bar girls’ reluctance to return to school after a fun half -term.We learn so much more at home…..surfing?!hopefully Harriet can find them all a job in the years ahead.
    New Rabbit has been named Freddie-found hopping through dining room yesterday and is generally unruly….love from all,hilariousx

  7. Excellent news gorgeous George, I shall inform your other ladie friends asap. Also hope it means you will be able to come visit Muenster, Christmas markets will soon be here!
    Lots of love
    Christian & Hannah xxxx

  8. Was awesome to see you at the Autumn drinks party on friday! Even though it was brief, as you were far too popular to talk to (obviously!). Glad I managed to get a George hug.
    Love from

  9. Beh,George, anche io vorrei un “george hug”…pensi che ci sn speranze anche per me?;-)mmmmm un abbraccio per un morso di mozzarella, ci stai?;-)
    beh, diciamo che pur volendoci provare…gli aeroporti sono blindati…n lasciano passare nulla,figuriamoci la mozzarella!
    Mi appello dunque alla tua clemenza;-)allora ci conto?:-)

    bacio bacino baciotto



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