18 thoughts on “Happy birthday to…

  1. Morning George and happy birthday. Gutted at yet another exit on penalties. Just didn’t take our chances. Watched it at the British Club here – the High Commissioner was there and we all stood for the National Anthem at the start, something my Dad always made us do.
    Heading for UK mid-week. Seems like timing may not work for you at Blackberry when we are there but you know you are always welcome.
    Keep up the fight.
    Lots of love,

  2. Penblwydd Hapus George. Much love today, as always, I hope that you manage to get out and enjoy some of the sunshine.

    hannah xx

    Hope you have a wonderful day with loads of visitors!
    See you again soon – so good to see you last week.
    Lots of love, Ellie xxx

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY George! Would ‘sing’ it in Afrikaans for you but you wouldn’t understand…

    Have an awesome day!

    Roz x

  5. Happy Birthday dear George!

    I’m back in the country and desperate to come and see you…shall give you a call and try and arrange something for this week.

    lots of love, ali xxx

  6. Good to talk to you – sounds like you are having a pretty good party. Soooooo glad my dear daughter could make it to one birthday today, even if it wasn’t mine (sob sob). Hope you got some worthwhile prezzies . . .

    I’ve got duck legs and a spotted dick.
    Must be my age . . .

  7. Hey George

    Know only saw you a few hours ago, but wishing you lots of birthday wishes. We kept a secret too – hope you’re enjoying the party! See you soon.

    Lots of love

    (a very tired)lucy x x x x (who nearly missed her stop on her train!)

  8. George,
    Some very late birthday wishes from the Haslemere Rapps – imagine you’ll read them tomorrow now. We spoke of you much earlier in the day and also thought of Lucy on her run in all this heat, but am only hitting the keys as I head for bed.
    Hope had 4 sets of tennis in a Club match this morning and was roasted, so I guess it was tough for Lucy too.
    Anyway, love from all of us here and see you soon.
    and Ann rachel Hope and Peter xxxxx

  9. 1) Happy birfday (maybe I’ve said it last now and maybe i was even first!)
    2)Gobby should be Knighted
    3)It’s still your birfday
    4)I checked and our anniversary is on 18th July
    love love

  10. Happy B-day dear George !
    Lots of love from all your students in Versailles, keep strong !



    Hope you had a brilliant day yesterday. I’m going to try and visit in the next few days – will let you know when!

    See you soon,

    Chris x

  12. Happy Birthday for yesterday George!

    Was great to see you last week and will def. be back soon to cause havoc at the Hermitage.


  13. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear George ‘absurdly brilliant and outrageously persistent and quite wonderful and still smiling’ norton, happy birthday to you…


  14. Happy Birthday for yesterday George! Sorry I’m a day late but hope you had a lovely day with lots of visitors?!
    Take care,

  15. best party EVER, loved it sooooo much. Hope the room is still looking beautiful and balloony. i’m the hottest person in the world right now… Love in bones etc, Jo (i, once again, apologise for my father’s comments – may i just emphasise that he was talking about his DINNER…) XXXXXxx

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