We (Norton père, little Harriet, Federico and I) are heading towards Midnight Mass – this means I have a little reception, so thought it would be a good opportunity to wish everyone a fabulously merry Christmas! Have a great day and enjoy the festive fun. I’m enjoying it doubly, having slept for most of the day last year… It’s wonderful to realise how much rosier things are this time around, and I feel very fortunate to be able to celebrate in such good form. Mine’s a bald Christmas,incidentally…
Happy happy Christmas!
Happy Christmas Wu-Tang!
Merry Christmas indeed, George. Hope it’s a good one and that your slap-head doesn’t get too cold!
Tesoro mio:-))))))auguri di cuore di buon natale anche a te e a tutta la famiglia!(mi sa che è la terza volta che ti faccio gli auguri..mmm..telefono,msg dal cell ed ci mancava chiaramente il blog;-))
questo post sprizza gioia da tutti i pori, il che mi rende felicissima:-)
qui tutto bene,giornate di sole,pranzi interminabili…tanti regali,tante telefonate,ma soprattutto un pò di tempo da passare serenamente insieme all’intera famiglia.
ti abbraccio forte dolcezza…il nostro primo natale insieme…beh, siamo lontani, ma tanto vicini:-)
Happy, Happy Christmas George!
Dear George,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with all your family and I wish you a good start to the new year.
I am at home in Brussels now after two weeks with Alessandro in Milan and Padua which was wonderful. But of course it is equally wonderful being in, unfotunatly rather grey, Begium. It is Sylvia’s birthday today, so even more festivities! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
Tanti auguri di buon natale figo mio! hope it was a smashing one, i am full to the brim and still way too hyper with the excitments of it all. Cant believe i missed out on that oh so fit love gang photo (am i allowed to openly declare that we are the love gang or is it to be kept secret, wink wink nudge nudge). i reckon another is needed pronto. Where was i anyway when that photo was taken, apparently jo says i was asleep on the kitchen floor! hmmm classy.
anyway huge snogs flying your way.
Row xxxxx
Have to agree with Row; where was I? I though you loved me *sob*
Tesoro mio, vedi..non sono matta…tu sei davvero un figo!ci sono altre persone che la pensano come me!oléééééééé!;-)
Ragazze, scusate se mi intrufolo anche io nella discussione…ed io?dov’ero?;-)ah..dimenticavo,ero appena tornata in italia….mmmmmmm…;-):-)
Miss you my sweetheart…
P.S.per la cronaca..sto ancora aspettando quel famoso numero….
Hi George – Philip here, on Caroline’s PC in Rockhampton. Hope Christmas in Devon was fun. Cousins all enjoying each others’ company here – all 6 Buckley children have been home. A few friends of Caroline coming round tonight for the ubiquitous Aussie barbie. Only trouble being a Pom down under at the moment is that our performance in the cricket has been so bad that the relentless ribbing has turned into a sort of feeling that there must be something wrong with us. Hilary, the girls and I head for a week on Lord Howe Island tomorrow.
Happy New Year to all the Nortons, along with all other Rapp/Dalglish descendants reading this.
Lots of love,
Wear a hat! Happy New Year and I hope that you had a lovely Christmas. We were in France freezing to death!
Love you x x
Hi George – hope to be seeing you at the weekend? Loving Facebook – better than the OMV website even
Lots of love,
Catherine V X
dude just to pass on my greetings merry christmas and a happy new year from h moptoh
Happy New Year! 2007 – Year of the George? Where are you by the way? Be good to see you if you happen to be in town. xx