Five and a half years (ish) since the end of my treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, I’m back in Tooting at St George’s Hospital to fight the bugger again.

Cinque anni e mezzo dalla fine del mio trattamento per la leucemia acuta linfoblastica, mi trovo di nuovo all’ospedale di San Giorgio a Tooting per combattere la malattia di nuovo.

More details later…

Altri dettagli dopo…

hospital bracelet
It’s me…

11 thoughts on “Here we go again! Eccoci di nuovo qui!

  1. Thanks George for the e-mailed up date … you say what a bummer. The Haslemere Rapps will be with you all of the way.
    Love and prayers will be flowing your way, and to MC too!


  2. Well, it’s a lot higher tech than the last time, but the sentiment is still the same. Get well soon, George. We’re all thinking of you! Rx

  3. George – you may not remember me but we sat on the same table at Lewis and Andrea’s wedding. Matt and I remember you and your wife as such a fun, happy & friendly couple. So sorry this is happening to you. Our thoughts are with you. Sending you love and strength x

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