Well, well, well… Samar, the registrar on the ward (who I’m sure was following me earlier on my wanderings), has said that we shan’t be having the chemo on Friday after all, so as to keep closer to the original planned schedule. Therefore, he suggested, why don’t I go home tomorrow for a week? Why not indeed? So I am! This is exciting news, particularly as it was unexpected, and I’m obviously enormously looking forward to some more normal time for a bit. My own bed, no observations, bacon sandwiches, wireless broadband, home cooking, walks on the beach…

The time out will, sans doute, give my brain a chance to start thinking about this experience. Going home is a little bit scary as it removes the big hospital security blanket – coming back again will be a bit nerve-wracking too with memories of what happened. But that’s ok: I fully intend to carry on enjoying the privilege of being alive and making the most of everything! I’m not one to worry, even when I perhaps should: this return home is the holiday of a lifetime.

I think the fragrant Sue will be picking me up, which is very kind, and will hopefully give my father a chance to get to work. The last thing I want to do is to stop his life from functioning as normal – hopefully I can be as independent as possible, though of course he wants to be there for me when I am home. While I am still weak, I will be needing things done for me, but every day I’m getting stronger!

Naturally I don’t recommend visiting Tooting to see me for the next week, though if you forget I’m sure the nurses will happily take care of any chocolates you bring. If anybody fancies the mighty trek to Chichester (a whole hour and a half from London) then you would most likely be very welcome, tiredness etc depending of course. It’s really not far, and possibly quicker than getting across London to see me for many! It’s my father’s house though, so his decisions will be final.

Home, home, home! Yay!

My wanderings today were very rewarding. Yum lunch again, and I popped to a couple of shops to buy a yoghurt, some milk, a couple of cards, a newspaper, Private Eye and maybe a couple of other things. It’s very tempting to spend all my money at the moment, as it seems so unimportant in the general scheme of things. Unfortunately my 6 months of being paid sick pay has run out now, which probably makes me unemployed too, but that’s all to sort out when I get home. My adventures out concluded with some fresh air outside the hospital, just before the heavens opened and my hair could get frizzy.

There’s a funny thing – I think my hair is trying to grow back quickly, but it’s also still falling out so it’s not getting very far. Either way, my head’s not quite as smooth as it was, though I’m still loving the baldness. Baldy baldy baldy! Hair’s definitely overrated.

Right, well I need to start eating up the stocks I was expecting to need to make last a bit longer… What with the steroids and perhaps my body’s craving to get stronger, I’ve no problems with appetite.

Until the next!

6 thoughts on “Homeward bound!

  1. Good choice with the bacon sarnie…in fact you have made me crave one now!!! I am guessing you will be on your way home now….yay!!!! Have a lovely time…if you go to the beach you may need an umbrella in this weather!

  2. home home home! anyone would think you were obsessed with bacon… 1,500 words to go, but have just realised i need to do an appendix – how dull. Speak later bacon boy X

  3. Home sounds great. Enjoy and eat up. Hope the sun is shining brilliantly.
    Love to you and all the Nortons.
    Melanie xxxx

  4. Don’t fear the unemployment, just register as self-employed. You could be an ‘Hospital and Nursing Services Quality Assurance Analyst’. Or if you’re having one of your delusional days ‘Andrew Murray’s Coach’!
    The longer the description the better!
    Enjoy Chi.

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