So, Friday. London. St George’s. Blood test. Quick. Ferrari’s. Tomandalice and my fazher and Fred. Results fine. Haemoglobin 9.9. WBC 2.5. Platelets 191. Neutrophils 1.1. Bone marrow harvest=4th April. Into hospital 3rd April. Radiotherapy=6th or 12th. Will know tomorrow (Monday). To Marsden probably still Tuesday 28th. Then blood tests @ St G’s again.

Saturday. London. Stamford Bridge. Two uncles (many thanks to Uncle Philip for football; also to Uncle James for travel); three cousins (Jess, Grace; Peter). Brief hellos to two aunts (Hilary; Ann) and three more cousins (Nina; Rachel, Hope) at various moments before match. Wonderful hat from Singapore – thank you! Chelsea 2 – 0 Man City. Good 1st half. Slower 2nd half. Long day but fun.

Today (Sunday). Mass @ Bosham. Commended on singing. Well, on volume of singing. Tired, stayed @ home. Father, brother, sister to Grandma and Granpa and Haslemere cousins. Slept afternoon. Finished ‘Arthur and George’ (Julian Barnes). Excellent. Lost capacity for sentences.

3 thoughts on “In brief

  1. Hey,,,cosa è?una nuova forma narrativa?innovativa ed efficace…per me che non capisco bene l’ inglese è davvero perfetta..contenuto stringato,parole semplici!;-)



  2. Sounds like you had fun at the soccer George; did your team win?

    Thanks for the dates; we’ll know when to kick the prayers into mega-high gear now!

    Love you heaps.

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