We will not be posting quite so often now as George is progressing well, and, to plagiarize the words of Emile Coue, ‘every day, in every way, he is getting better and better’. He wants to thank you all for your support in whatever way, and he is particularly grateful to his lovely family for pulling out the stops on his behalf.
Talking of support, I have to report that John Gladwyn finished his Triathalon for Leukaemia Research in 1h 45m in wet conditions. Unfortunately he forgot his second pair of trainers and so still had to wear his somewhat damp ones on completion. Well done, John, who wishes to thank all those who sponsored him and reminds you that there is still time! [see the blog entry of May 15 “4.0?! You’re having a laugh like…” for the link.]
Freddie, TomandAlice, Andrew have all now gone back to work and Harriet trains back to Scotland tomorrow (Monday) to get back to earning the pennies. George will still be in Ruth Myles all this next week as they want to make sure he is OK before letting him out again. He will let you know when he is ‘open for visitors and telephone calls’.

3 thoughts on “Life returns to what goes for ‘normal’ at the moment.

  1. Big pat on the back to all the Norton family – not only are you there to support George, but you take the trouble to update the blog so that the rest of his fans know what’s going on. Thank you Andrew, Freddie, Harriet, Tomandalice.
    ali xxxx

  2. Hi George & co. I never thought ‘usual’ could be such good news.

    Thanks for all the updates.


  3. Lots of rest to you all and hope you make it “out” for a stint soon George, a touch of the Southbourne air and a walk along the water at Prinsted could be rather nice at this time of year!!!!
    Love to all
    Melanie xxxx

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