We’ve filled up the house this evening, as Freddie’s Laura is here, Tom and Alice have come for the night, and Sue then appeared too! Dinner was very entertaining, as everyone seemed to be on good form, and at least twice it all descended into those great moments when you simply cannot stop laughing…

We had some good singing, too. Hurrah! And some from Tom…

Tomorrow we’re heading up to The London to check my bloods etc, maybe to plan my bone marrow harvest too… I’m not sure who’s coming, but I think I’d better.

4 thoughts on “No room at the inn

  1. Hello George. Just wanted to send you some big love from Berlin!
    Christie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    PS Deepan sends some too xxxxxxxxx

  2. Giorigio! Aw, it sounds like you’ve bin having such a happy time at home – really glad to hear that singing, laughing and, i hope, some carousing, whatever that actually is, has been going on.

    Anyways, i gotta question for you, oh fount of florentine knowledge… I gotta learn a petrarchian sonnet for my easter homework, and in doing some research i discovered that this blokey was italian (rather than Peruvian, as i’d previously guessed.) And suddenly your cherubic fizzog sprang into my mind as my jedi master of early renaissance italian poetry. So, in between you using very,very small scythes to harvest your stem cells, carousing some more, quaffing slightly and getting better all the time, could you recommend any of his plethora of sonnets that are worthwhile reading… if at this point you go, “petrarch, but he’s the poet i avoided for being so stultifyingly boring”, er, well… damn… but i hope not…

    Lemme know if ya got any ideas my wee friend, and i hope you keep smiling in springtime…

    Ciao and meow,


  3. Coucou!spero sia andato tutto bene per quanto riguarda i vari controlli effettuati stamattina/oggi pomeriggio!
    qui nessun progresso sul fronte del dolore..iuhuuuu…stasera sebbene sia venerdi sera…serata casalinga con nonno…cibo cinese, e dvd!

    ti abbraccio fortissimamente forte



  4. Great seeing you at Stamford Bridge today George. Drogba did handball it (apparently). They might not sing ‘Stand up for the champions’ at Fratton Park but we’ll sing it for you next Saturday.
    Fred, lay off the guiness.
    Lots of love

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