Last night I slept better than I have for a very long time… I must have dropped off some time not too far away from midnight, and didn’t wake up once before 7:15am! What’s more, when I woke up, it was a proper groggy wake-up, as though I’d been in a deep sleep, unlike every other time recently, when I’ve felt completely awake immediately. Bliss!

And I’ve been on the prowl: to Emsworth, no less, with Robyn, where we pottered down to the sea, then back into the town centre, around the bookshop and then into a cafe for a nice cup of coffee. In addition to that, I’ve been steaming around the house, and managed to walk down the stairs with one foot per stair and not using the banister for support, which is a massive improvement. I surprised Sue but bounding to the door to let her in this evening, making her a cup of tea and generally running the house!

So, all in all I’m feeling much better today, and so it seemed a shame to be going back to hospital tomorrow. However, there are no beds, so I’M NOT GOING BACK TOMORROW – forgive the bold and capitals but the last thing I want is for anyone to turn up in Tooting tomorrow to see me. Anyway, it’s quite nice, now my body is noticeably stronger and more functional, that I will getting at least another day at home. I’ll ring again tomorrow to find out whether there’s a bed for me on Thursday; and so on. Unfortunately, each day later probably makes it less likely I’d be able to go to Grandma’s funeral, but we’ll just have to see how it works out.

Fi has asked me to put a link up to one of her favourite charities, and it’s another wonderful site where you can help just by clicking! So don’t hang around: go and click at The Breast Cancer Site, and make sure you bookmark it so you can do so again tomorrow, and the next day, and every day. I’ll also pop a link down there on the right, in case you lose it.

Right: I’d better start putting my facepaint on before the England friendly this evening…

5 thoughts on “Not back in tomorrow

  1. Thank you Darling George, Thank you!

    Just for that I hope England win tonight, even though I can’t abide football!

    (I am, as you know a rugby girl at heart; hence I’m stocking up DVD’s at a rate)


  2. Who was your friendly with? Ours was with Greece and we won!! Must say I agree with the DVD idea as it could be a very loooong winter here with the Cup beginning soon up there in the Northern Hemisphere. Hope you continue to feel so much better and get a few more wonderful sleeps in before going back to hospital.
    Love Melanie xxx

  3. Hey twiglet legs!
    How goes it today? Glad to hear that you are getting better and better. How is Emsworth – missing me?! Had another exam today – 3 down and only 1 to go! YEY!

    Can’t wait to see you once they are all over
    Love you
    C x x

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