Obviously, the exciting news is that Phase 2 is over. Done. Completed. No more. Etc. Hurrah! The less exciting news, however, is that I need to get my neutrophils up to 0.5 before they’ll let me out, which might happen next week, perhaps. “Half a neutrophil?” I hear you cry, that can’t be hard. Well, so you’d think. I do have good prior form on getting my counts up, but we shall see… Feeling weary and at the moment just want to get out, especially as I have no chemotherapy lined up. I will update you on future plans soon.

13 thoughts on “Oh, the tedium…

  1. Hi George!

    Chin up & keep on keeping on, ok? Freedom is in sight!

    PS. Outside in London is ruddy cold just now, so best stay warm & keep fighting.

    Love as ever,


  2. George,

    your darling sister harri hoptoh introduced me to your blog site yesterday and i have sat at my desk and read it from cover to cover for hours. it’s awesome and inspiring, keep it up! apart from being hugely impressed i also have 2 things to [thank] you for:

    1 – i still haven’t finished the “10 minute job” i started yesterday; and
    2- i can’t get the tune to “knees up mother brown” out of my head!

    congrats on completion of phase 2, look forward to your next update
    Lol Sarah xx

  3. Half a neutrophil, indeed? No problem for a veteran neutropene such as yourself. If that is a word. If it isn’t, it should be.

    Looking forward to hearing all the good news of phase three recovery. Yay George. Boo lymphoblasts. And spare a thought for us healthy people with *work* to do… :p

    See you soon,


  4. George, am wishing you nutrophils soooooo hard, hope that pesky half arrives very soon. am grumpy in the library writing endless essays. sod exams. boooo.
    mmmwah x

  5. DAHHHHLLINNNGGG G-lob, patients are a virtue.
    Ok ignore that. Hope you are having a better day. Best wishes to your neutrophils.

  6. Caro George,
    da quanto ho letto, ci sono 3 messaggi su 5 in cui si fa riferimento alla parola “neutrophils”…mi sento davvero tanto ignorante…sono davvero la sola a non sapere cosa sono!!!!!è proprio ora di prendere il dizionario e in un secondo momento l’enciclopedia medica….!:-)

    Ironia “poco ironica” a parte,incrocio le dita per i tuoi….neutrophils…in modo che tu possa ritornare quanto prima a casa e riprendere le forze.

    Con immenso affetto


    P.S.:se non lo faccio,questa volta mia mamma si arrabbierà seriamente con me….:un forte abbraccio anche da parte sua!

  7. Dear George keep up those amazing spirits, home is just around the corner and maybe more lamb chops too.

    wishing all those nasties away and that the extra little bit happens soon.
    Thinking of you. Love
    Melanie and the Endersbys

  8. argh honestly when you want your phone to work it packs up on you! Have been wanting to call from over here but the phone most definetly doesnt love me at the mo! Well at least i can write here and say that i think about you all the time and i have faith that you will be out of there in no time.

    baci e grande abbracci

  9. Hi George!
    Sorry to see your immune system is not quite up to the scary world outside of the Ruth Myles unit yet.
    Good to see you the other night – it was nice to talk pragmatically about our respective woes!
    remember mummy & daddy still love you very much…!
    ali xxx

  10. Half of neutrophil?? Be a man and go for a full pint, me old son . . .

    By the way, what do you think about Gordon Brown making us all have flagpoles? Does he not know you need planning consent??? Of course he does; it’s all a fiendish plot to improve the unemployment figures by creating 18 million jobs i planning departments.

    You must excuse my randomness (if that’s a word it’s a bloody ugly one) but I’ve been working all week. That’s a long time for a teacher.

    Paul D

    PS Read the Italian comment. Cool. Didn’t understand a word – though I have learnt “c’è brutto tempo” since we last met in Rome. Remember the rain? Rosie & I are still a bit damp.

  11. What IS my father on about?? ah well, moving swiftly on, am STILL in the library. still grumpy. Am crossly swiveling on my swivelly chair and thinking about the synoptic gospels. BORING!! I’ve definitely spelt swiveling and swivelly wrong haven’t I….
    Love Love Love and that’s a million out of ten XX

  12. Hey George,

    Long time no see, speak, hear etc etc! Finally managed to contact your family and had a great chat with Fred today. He informed me of your site, which is great by the way.

    I’ve missed you all, Naples seems like such a long time ago now, but that’s probably because it was!

    Was so shocked to hear you had leukaemia, but I know you’ll fight it off! Bring on the neutrophils!

    Hope to catch up with you and the rest of the family sometime soon, but until then my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Lots of Love

    Annabel xx

    That’s a thought, you’re probably wondering who this is, unless you’ve worked it out from the Naples comment, as you probably only know me as Rabbit!

  13. George,
    Am praying for your neutrophils! Never thought I would be doing that, but that’s probably because I never had even heard of them.
    Hoping they reach you and you can go home… apparently it’s warmer where you are know though! I can’t tell you from first hand experience as Zambia has a slightly different climate!
    Lots of love and take care xxx

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