George is back in St George’s and passed his ‘post-holiday MoT’ with flying colours. As his blood levels were acceptable for the next phase of treatment, he starts today – though we remain unclear as to what this means in terms of time in and out of hospital. They all say that this phase is easier than the last one……. The bone marrow test results were not available yet, so we don’t know whether all the blast cells have been eliminated or not – I suppose if they have, George will no longer be able to excuse his foibles by saying ‘because I’ve got leukaemia’????
He has taken up residence in Room 9 (where the ADSL-enabled socket is, so perhaps he will manage to get that working now!) and his extension is 2568. He is up for visitors again.
Hospital food…………….. George’s aversion to hospital food returned within 10 seconds of his first meal arriving, but fortunately without the previous vomiting.
Well, back to work, and hopefully the next post will be by George himself from St G’s.

4 thoughts on “Open to visitors, telephone calls……

  1. I hope all goes well for you George,i too have ALL Leukimia and wish you best of luck as i know this treatment is hard(im nearly @ the end of my yr treatment)plz feel free to contact me on leukimia care…im SuRReaL_HiPPiE on there love Becky xxx

  2. Jerry Springer: the opera is coming to Oxford!
    I am very excited, and instantly thought of you (wonder why?)

    Hope that you are smiling, and that there is enough sunlight in your room to help the little man dance.

    hannah xx

  3. I blinked & missed your time at home…you put it to very good use…especially that walk on the beach…good for the soul-hang on to all that outside stuff even when on the ‘inside’.Was supposed to be studying more specialised matters but was struck by hearing Kurt Vonnigut on the radio & had to read his new book…i laughed a lot & cried too re the state of the planet and minds on it..he says’there is no good reason why good cannot triumph over evil,if only angels will get organised along the lines of the mafia’….hilariousx

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