I typed a long post about the bone marrow register, but can’t get at it until my new laptop power supply arrives (hopefully in the next couple of days). In the meantime it basically says: yes please, get yourselves on the register. It’s the only way to be tested for a match with me. They won’t do specific individual tests because the chance of a match is very small unless you are my sibling. If you are on the register you may get to help someone else with leukaemia and that would be amazing. Don’t worry, to register you just need to have a normal blood test. The first check of the register has found 7 potential matches for me – they need to make further tests but thedoctor is optimistic.

4 thoughts on “Show us yer bone marrow!

  1. Tom is sitting in the office reading juicy bad sex passages to Nancy, preparing for the shebang on Thursday. Philip has just eaten all the chocolate brownies made by Sophia and is feeling sick. We are thinking of you and send love.

  2. Tom is sitting in the office reading juicy bad sex passages to Nancy, preparing for the shebang on Thursday. Philip has just eaten all the chocolate brownies made by Sophia and is feeling sick. We are thinking of you and send love.

  3. Dear Cousin O’Mine.

    So much to say, and this isn’t the right medium on which to do it.

    I do however, want you to know that I am thinking of you, and that as soon as I have shaken off this bastard of a lingering cold (which is hanging round like one of those really annoying songs you can’t get out of your head) I shall phone and arrange a visitation; if of couse you’ll have me.

    On the subject of hair – I haven’t had much hair myself for a couple of years now (the hereditry baldness of our grandfather affecting me rather than you due to it being on my mother’s side. Damn you!) and I have to say, apart from the occasional cold head, it isn’t that bad. You can wear hats whenever you want, don’t have to worry about spending much needed time in the morning (when, let’s be honest you could be sleeping) sorting it out, AND women like stroking it, especially when it’s really short. It’s great.

    Very impressed with the ol’ journalino (new word, like it?!) – keep it up, and I will see you very soon.

    Just wanted to let you know you’re in my thoughts.

    Speak soon – if you get the chance e-mail me: robinlewis82@gmail.com or visit my band’s site and contact me via that.

    Speak soon buddy,


  4. hey…tuo cugino ha ragione…fino a prova contraria sono una donna e confermo la sua opinione in merito ai ragazzi con i capelli corti,molto corti:-)in particolar modo i ragazzi inglesi di 23 anni che si chiamano George, che hanno gli occhi azzurri e parlano perfettamente italiano….Io ne conosco solo uno…..non so tu!:-)


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