My home! Hurrah! Am home again, which is lovely, especially since this is for a just over a week – the longest I’ll have been out of hospital since I went in at the end of October. I do have to pop back on Friday as a day-patient for a kidney test, and I’ve been given a petrol tank to wee in for the 24 hours before…

Anyway, I’ll post more tomorrow: for now I need to head off to bed to make the most of a nice long sleep…

Night night

13 thoughts on “They’ve put me in a home…

  1. George! You’re back home… just when I was intending to come and see you! Well, I’m not TOO angry, I suppose… especially when imagining you trying to aim into a petrol tank. Ha ha!

    See you soon, soldier. Have fun chez toi.

  2. hi! George
    sorry I havnt sent u anything 4 a long time. Very busy!!!
    I have my flute exam coming up this Friday!!!HAAAAAA and a science test on thursday….GREAT!!
    anyway its good to hear that u r home. I have just been to Brunei for a football tournament and my school won!!!!YEAY!!!so im very tired…..
    Every one is fine but busy….

    miles of smiles
    love ur little cousin

  3. Buongiorno buongiorno!!!!!!Mi auguro che tu abbia trascorso una notte con la n maiuscola, una signora notte!!!!:-)

    buona giornata….


  4. To be sung to the tune of “The Farmer Wants A Wife”:

    ‘George is going home,
    George is going home,
    A week of sleep is really neat,
    George is going home.’

    Good news sweetie!


  5. So pleased to hear you are back home and enjoying some home comforts. Just spent a week in yorkshire, mum and dad and all the family send their love and are constantly thinking of you. This amazing website lets ali in spain keep up to date with everything too which is great.

    Love the new haircut…always thought shaved heads on men were fab!

    Take care and hopefully see you soon
    Marie-Soph x x x

  6. Hello!
    I second what Rob said. Wonderfully excited for you that you are back home, but sad that this had to be just during the three days that I am in London. (interview at law firm!!!) Boohoo…It is great being back in London though – nearly feels like “home” and I am getting to see lots of Daniel which is marvellous.
    I wish you all the best and many many blessings.
    Alles, alles Liebe.

  7. Great news George, glad to hear your home for much needed r’n’r. Now you know i’m a fan of that hair style so no putting it down.


  8. awesome news my lovely. hope you are just relaxing and enjoying being spoilt. I on the other hand am extreamely proud of myself as i completed a whole 8 hours of lectures today…how impressive is that, although i must admit i did dop off in the last couple of hours, i mean come on no one can concentrate for a whole 2 hrs without a break…and 2 hrs is a short lecture in Italy!! well i feel like i have done my bit of studying for the week so i think i may take the next few days off and hit the venice carnival instead!!

    anyway sending loads of love and hugs and all sorts.


  9. Hello again!
    Meet the ultimate SILLY BILLY of all times! I just left London to return to – yes, London. Having rushed out to Stansted as fast as I could, I still succeeded in missing my plane. I was crest-fallen, but all my weeping still did not soften the not-so-friendly flight attendent’s temper. So I got a flight for tomorrow and returned to London.
    Unfortunately Daniel was out for dinner, but still I had an awesome evening. Strolled down Regent Street with my suitcase, went into the very cool Waterstones and bought a book, and then had a very gratifying Burger King dinner just to top off my adventure…
    So now I am chilling – again – in Daniel’s room, I think we will just watch a movie and stay up now as I am sure I don’t want to miss tomorrow’s flight again. (though I must confess it was a rather very cool eperience once I stopped crying; as Daniel pointed out, when will you remember the time you went to the airport and made the plane?!)
    I am super glad though that you, as opposed to this kooky one (my Spanish friends call me a PAVA), made it home and I hope you are having an absolutely marvellous time. Get lots of rest and enjoy your zu Hause!

  10. Look at all this cousin love! Keep smiling girls, and remember, Jess and Grace, not to go diving into any storm drains. Not recommended, from experience. Lots of love xx

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