9 thoughts on “Wedding bells!

  1. congratulations, Mrs Tomandalice!
    Glad you had such a wonderful weekend, George
    ali xxx
    p.s. We won the boat race! well, not you and I personally – that would be ridiculous!

  2. ah gorgeous gorgeous gorgeousness of wedding and glorious romantic sparkely day. so lovely. miss your soft head 🙁 Uni is very boring today. mmwah X

  3. Knowing your audience, I’d like to thank everyone for making the day so special. It was absolutely wonderful and the best day of my life so far.

    Tomandalice in Mauritius (living the high life)

  4. Huge amount of congratulations to TomandAlice. I am so glad to hear that it was so special and George and Jo i am so glad that you had an absolutely lovely day too. It makes me extra happy on top of the happy i already am to hear good news from the Nortons.

    loads of love

  5. Hurray and congratulations Mrs tomandalice.

    So wonderful to hear that not only did you go to the wedding, which a few months ago was not a certainty, but that you had a delightful day.

    *throws virtual confetti*

    hannah xx

  6. Congratulations to TomandAlice! Even though i’ve never met you i’m sure you’re lovely lovely people and deserve congratulating on acheiving the state of wedlock! And George – does all this extra-hopsital activity mean you’re going to be at graduation?? please say it does!

    p.s. Cardiff also triumphed over swansea in the welsh boat race, so i’m proud of ALL of my rowing affiliations right now.

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