We Norton children used to be ferried to Emsworth every six months or so to visit the dentist, a family friend who seldom spent more than a couple of minutes looking at our teeth or less than half an hour exchanging news and gossip. Although we didn't all escape orthodontics (I had train tracks, removable … Continue reading Unexpected fillings… and leukaemia
Always take the weather with you
Unless it's an unexpectedly hot summer's day, Mariacristina firmly believes in the need in the UK for a vest; a scarf; preferably a jumper and a coat; a hat; and gloves. Even if the weather's fairly mild, she'll insist on the need to have at least most – or even all – of these accessories available, … Continue reading Always take the weather with you
Something definite this way comes
I remember in July 2010 sprinting through King's Cross station – with Mariacristina not far behind me – and reaching our train to Edinburgh for my sister's wedding just as the conductor was walking towards us down the platform slamming the doors shut. We had no plan B, so had we arrived a few seconds … Continue reading Something definite this way comes
Game and first set
The memory of Jana Novotna crying on the Duchess of Kent's shoulder after throwing away the Wimbledon title in 1993 to Steffi Graf prior is so fiercely seared in my brain that I'd forgotten she went on to win it in 1998. I remember barely being able to watch as the underdog comprehensively lost her position … Continue reading Game and first set
It’s all about me (and Mariacristina)
I remember having to argue the case for 'I would send my son to Downside' when debating in the Upper Sixth; as a proud Gregorian, I thought it would be easy to reel off all the fantastic opportunities I had had – and made the most of – during my time at the school. Meanwhile, … Continue reading It’s all about me (and Mariacristina)
The marvels of medicine (but still no neutrophils)
Today, my doctors inform me that my neutrophils are still 0.0, the infection indicators have reached a 'normal' level (but are still apparent), my haemoglobin is 100 (normal is 130-180) and my platelets are 32 (normal is 150-450). White blood cells are at 0.3 (normal is 4-11) and lymphocytes are the only white blood cells … Continue reading The marvels of medicine (but still no neutrophils)
Mariacristina posts: Our life, upside down… NOT
Some of you might think that since we got the news on George's relapse our life has changed dramatically. I assume so, at least. However, as my former manager Laura used to say: by assuming you make an ass of you and me, so maybe I'll refrain. Either way, what I would like to explain … Continue reading Mariacristina posts: Our life, upside down… NOT
Routine manoeuvres
The Starbucks concession at work closes at 4.30pm every day, and it wasn't long before I found myself regularly appearing at 4.25pm for a cappuccino (and usually a frothless latte for lovely Lou – WITH NO BUBBLES) to get me through the last hour and a half – or longer – of work. I always … Continue reading Routine manoeuvres
A foolish bet
Mariacristina has always claimed to have a sixth sense – a premonition of how things are going to turn out. And I'll admit that on a number of occasions, her 'feelings' have turned out to be right, often contrary to my expectations. However, it's much easier to notice and remember the successful predictions, and I'm … Continue reading A foolish bet
The hair gets thinner up here
One evening when I was out of hospital for a time during treatment for my first bout of leukaemia, I found myself in the queue for a club (the Clapham Grand, for connoisseurs of such establishments), merrily enjoying life with a bandana on my head and a Hickman line in my chest. I was standing in … Continue reading The hair gets thinner up here