Some of you might be confused, as I had been half- (well, three-quarters-) expecting to go home today, but I’m still at the Hotel St George (excellent facilities, easy transport connections, friendly staff, 2am alarm calls). I have, as previously mentioned, finished the chemo, so there’s not too much going on, apart from the GCS-F, which I think is why the doctors want to keep me in: rather than send me home and have to get me back to check my stem cell count, send me home again, get me back again, etc, they’re keeping me here until my stem cell harvest. I think it’s actually because they’d miss me too much, but don’t tell Dr Al-Jehani I said that. The sentimental old booby. Anyway, the mention of hotels is apt, as Samar has told me to treat this place like a hotel, since my neutrophils are fine and there’s no reason to keep me locked up in my room, let alone in bed. So I’ve thrown the TV out of the window, left my towels on the floor and stolen the soap.

Actually, it means I can come and go as I please, including going out into Tooting, and perhaps even further; I can go out for meals; I can even go out overnight. So friends, roamers, countrymen who have strayed into the city please come and see me if you’re bored, or come with me to Ferrari’s or somewhere similar, or whatever. I’m surprisingly energetic, but not at full speed, so bear that in mind. It’s mainly Tuesday and Wednesday now probably, though if my stem cell count isn’t up in time for Thursday, the harvest won’t be until Monday, so then there’ll be plenty of days to fill. I’m here! I’m here! I’ve even been wearing clothes…

Big love to all.

(19 days until we manage to ditch Tom!)

17 thoughts on “A Call to Arms

  1. Ditch Tom?! I thought you were gaining a sister?

    Nice to see you last week, looking remarkably cheerful.

    19 days, eh? Help. I still don’t know what to wear …



  2. George! That’s all so exciting, so so glad you’re feeling better, they’ve unplugged you from everything, and you’re allowed to wander around south London at will,hurrah!And it’s snowing, I had to wear wellies to my lecture…

  3. Snowing!!! I thought it would be warming up. Sounds like you need LOTS of clothes to wander around away from the hospital. glad all is progressing very well.
    Love Melanie

  4. Maybe if you have enough clothes you could go outside and build a snowman.

    Currently not snowing in Oxford, although it’s blooomin’ cold. I’m not sure I want it to snow either, unless it’s going to do it properly and get me a day off work!

    In any case, hurrah for the freedom of George -long may you roam!

    Hannah xx

  5. Well I am glad you have turned into a bit of a diva….especially by stealing the soap?!?!

    Poor Tooting will not know whats hit them with a roaming George!

    Love from
    A person who owes you a pack of cards, and has upside down post-it notes?!?!Oops! xxx

  6. All about the snowing…its been so sunny and warm here and then randomly snowed big style on sunday which was very wierd seeing as the day before we had been sitting outside sunbathing…well thats what rach was doing! Was so great to have her and Bailesy out here, think we ate a record amount of ice creams!!

    anyway will try giving you a buzz later although you may be busy seeing as your social life is rocketing.

    loads of love


  7. Nevica?????????ops..ho l’ impressione che viviamo in due mondi diversi…qui c’è un sole incredibile e un’aria tipicamente primaverile!!!!!!!! pianto….stavo solo cercando di farti venire voglia di raggiungermi qui a Napoli!;-)
    beh….accetto volentieri il tuo invito!(lo so..era esteso solo alle persone simpatiche e gentili e non alle pesti..quindi in teoria n rientrerei nella categoria,ma mi ci intrufolo!!!)allora..da Ferrari’s giovedì alle 13?nulla di più semplice…basta un aereo e sn lì in un batter d’ occhio…si pranza e tempo due ore riprendo l aereo per l appuntamento con il prof!ci stai?Cavolo….solo ora mi rendo conto che sto sognando ad occhi aperti!!!magari fosse possibile!!!bouuhhhhhhhhhh

    lasciando da parte i sogni (che in ogni caso presto si realizzeranno…con la differenza che il pranzo si svolgerà in un ristorante di napoli o della costiera amalfitana),sono smisuratamente felice che tu sia in forma!beh…ora n ti resta che darti alla pazza gioia con i tuoi amici!!!

    P.S.ieri Fred mi ha esteso un invito ufficiale ad andare a bere… con lui ed i suoi amici.che dici?ci andiamo insieme?;-)ok…ora ho davvero finito con i sogni.ritorno alla dura realtà della tesi…che OO!

    baci bacini e baciotti



  8. george!
    how far are you allowed to roam? does your curfew stretch to north of the river, or are you like the stereotypical london taxi driver but in some kind of weird parallel universe?
    anyway, run free & enjoy your liberation, hope to see you soon
    ali x

  9. Was horrified this morning when I woke up to hear that some leukemia patients on a trial in London had suffered massive organ failure.

    Rushed into work to get internet access, and discovered that in fact, it was a drugs trial, and not anywhere near you at St George’s. Poor men. But thank goodness you and the rest of the St George’s population are ok.

    hannah xx

  10. George, great to hear you are feeling much better and can roam and be free!! hope it all keeps getting better and better from now on and hope your stem cells have harvested as they should, and that you can go home properly soon! take care mate, thinking about you and am so pleased you’re feeling better – thumbs up all round!! rushers xx

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