Boo! Don’t worry, I haven’t disappeared: I’ve just not got my internet connection back yet and haven’t managed to summon the energy to type something up to give to someone else… I have, however, snuck on to another computer (with permission of course!) to give you a bit of an update, so here I am.

The first thing I should mention is some sad news, as I discovered that one of my ‘friends’ on the ward (you can only get to know people so much when you’re in separate rooms and aren’t meant to socialise for fear of cross-infection etc) unfortunately died over Easter while I was away. She had ALL, too, though was not as far advanced in her treatment, and we’d chatted quite a few times after I moved out of a room a bit early to let her move in. I do hope she’s resting in peace and am of course thinking of her family and friends.

On a different note, I’m getting through consultants at great speed! My original consultant (who was actually a locum consultant as someone was away on maternity leave) left around about the time I started heading for the transplant option, and the transplant consultant took over my care… He’s now leaving too (though I’m not sure he would have remained my consultant, what with me not having a transplant any more), and so I will soon be meeting my third consultant, who was the one away on maternity leave. I hope it’s not my fault they keep leaving…

The treatment itself has been, well, relatively uneventful… I’ve been pretty tired for the past couple of days, which has put paid to any plans to get anything meaningful done; but the worst thing has been particularly unpleasant diarrhoea. Sorry to share that, but it has far more of an effect on my day-to-day life than you might imagine, keeping me awake, hopping in and out of bed and generally not feeling very comfortable. Gah. There’s not much I can do about it, sadly, so for now it’s just a case of grinning and bearing it.

I’ve had 5 days’ worth of chemo, giving me a couple of days off today and tomorrow. Friday I get some vinblastine, and then get a week with no chemo – hurrah! Who knows, if my counts are down perhaps I might even get sent home? I’m not getting any hopes up, though. Harriet’s in this week, so we’ve been storming through ’24’ (with breaks for ‘Lost’ last night and ‘The Apprentice’ tonight), and it’s been lovely to see a couple of other friends too. Don’t forget to call if you want to pop in and say hello (ext 2566).

The wireless modem is away being mended, so I’m not sure when I’ll get my own computer back online. I promise photos when I do, though! I’ve now got some lovely ones from the wedding thanks to cousins Lucy and Marie-Sophie, via Harriet. I’ll also be able to blog more again, too, which will be nice for me. I dug out a free counter for the site, which can be found at the bottom of the right column – it’s fascinating and as always touching to know how many people are coming on here. Thank you everyone!

10 thoughts on “Aha, a computer and an internet at last

  1. hello stranger! good to have you back on the system.

    fingers crossed for good counts next week so you can get home..although if you have to stay in, I will be very selfishly pleased as it will mean i can come and visit!

    We will all be thinking about you at graduation this weekend george – it just won’t be the same without you there. I promise many a toast will be raised, in celebration of your graduation in absentia..
    love, ali xxx

  2. Hi George, now back in aussie and the jet lag is abating at last. Am now back in our shop, which is hard to take after such a lovely break. It was just soooo!!! good to see you and spend the night at Rossiters. Have been thinking of you often and send love and speedy recoveries from the awful bouts of chemo.
    Lots of love , hi to Harriet for when she comes in too.
    Melanie xxxx

  3. Much love cariad – will see if I can’t find you something fun in Belgium next week… actually, bugger, I go tomorrow, best get some packing done!

    hannah xx

  4. Hey George,

    Sorry life’s being less than fun just now; at least you’ve got company to watch 24. Though I prefer Prision Break myself. Do you watch that? It’s great!

    I look forward to seeing the photos you’ll put up!

    Stop scaring consultants away will you? It’s CHEATING!

    BTW, did you know several places in the Lourdes domain have webcams? You’ll be able to Google the Official Lourdes Site & keep an eye out for OMVer’s causing the usual chaos! There’s at least 1 internet cafe to, so we can still check in to

    Take care,

    Fi xx

  5. Hi George.
    Heard so much about you from Fiona. She mentioned you like the show “24”- I’m one of the few from the US that does not watch it, sorry to say.
    I do,however, watch “The Sopranos”. I don’t know if they air it across the pond or not. “Sopranos” is not typically the kind of genre I enjoy, but this show has us hooked!

    I hope your week without chemo is a good one! And that those nasty side-effects pass.

    Take care, George.

  6. ah… have fond mameories of Sooz’s strip and the glass smashing. Miss you george, hope you got better sleep last night XX

  7. Dearest George
    Sorry for the silence…tho youre much in our thoughts, partic as Ive been putting all the recent photos of trip and wedding in an album…fun memories! Lovely for you to have harri visit.
    Note all the changes re trx,…your patience must be GROWING ++++..
    Cousins all send love. C running for sch in inter sch XC tom and D next wk. Alex v dissap got a stitch/nerves.All in Hockey ++ too. Han pranged her car, all safe but $$++ . Love and Blessings
    Caroline x

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