As you might imagine, George is quite tired at the end of the day and the smiles were less prolific, but the battle is going his way. His white cell (part of his immune system) count is rising and has reached 0.3 for the technically minded. That does indicate that he is not only fighting the bugs, but also has capacity to rebuild his immune system – Great on him!! The consultant does emphasise that we are not out of the woods yet, but that he does have youth on his side. We continue to maintain a vigil in the hospital, where today’s staff were terrific – not only was the student nurse married to a naval officer (must be good), but the nurse on duty is getting married in December using an almost identical plan to TomandAlice, including a big red bus, the Lansdowne Club and a ceilidh!! Gosh – sorry, I’ve been distracted by lovely young ladies; how unusual! George’s breathing rate has increased again, and they had to slow down the plan to wean him off the mask. The acid in his blood (not gut as I thought) has been defeated by good old Bicarb of Soda. It will be still be a few days before George can leave the Intensive Care Unit. The consultant was also quite clear that this is not a pattern that we can expect after each of the next 3 cycles of treatment – it can happen at any stage when the body’s linings are damaged and the bugs can penetrate. Keep the prayers coming!

13 thoughts on “At the end of the day….

  1. Great news to know that the infections and all the other nasties are being warded off. Well done George.
    Thankyou for the updates Andrew and love to all of you .
    Hugs George
    Love Melanie and Graham xxxxx

  2. George,

    That’s the spirit, boyo! Remember: Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Although you might want to wait until you’re a bit better first… don’t want any of those tubes to fall out.

    So glad you’re doing better now.


  3. well I don’t know who louisjones is, but he was remarkably quick to pick up on the fact that you missed graduation and might be on the lookout for a quickie degree!

    keep on battling, boy

    ali xxx

  4. Gooday/eve.
    So glad the staff are terrific, esp the nurses,(of course!)hey Harriet…..Hannah agrees!
    You all need much nurturing.
    But most importantly, WELL DONE George. Keep fighting on..
    love from All of us, Carolinex

  5. George,
    Well done with the fighting – keep going! Still praying madly for you and your family.
    Lots of love and smiles,
    Ellie xxx

  6. Great to hear that, keep it up George!

    Thank you so much for your updates Andrew – George and all of you are in my thoughts.


  7. Buongiorno George!A quanto pare tutto si sta mettendo apposto pian pianino…e questo ci colma il cuore di gioia!Allora tu continua a combattere la tua battaglia e noi continuiamo ad esserti vicini con le nostre preghiere e con tutto il nostro affetto.Coraggio, coraggio, coraggio!!!!
    Un abbraccio circolare a tutti i membri della famiglia Norton da Napoli.Siamo con voi!



  8. Hi Georgie baby, will not see you today but thinking of you. Hi to all other Norton family also. Keep up the good work. See you tomorrow. Gobby x

  9. Hey George,

    That’s some class act battling; keep it going babe!

    Glad to hear the staff are quality, maybe you can poach a couple for the OMV by your fine example.

    0.4 or above = next number required please! (Remember Georgeous, you’ve NEVER refused me any reasonable request so don’t you go starting now, huh?)

    Work this end (prayers, fundraising by click & awareness going well), thank you for the strength your bravery is giving me.

    Love you,


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