It’s Fred here, and just a quick update on Georgey. Since having this infection he’s been up and down, but never really feeling great. Doing anything tires him out and he can be short of breath sometimes as well, due to the infection affecting his chest. Because of this could people please refrain from calling him over the next couple of days to give him a chance to rest and because his communication skills aren’t too great at the moment over the phone. He does however read all the comments on this blog daily, so if you are desperate to tell him how “the other night when you got wasted was” or how “essays are mean” or just want to say hi, then pop a comment on the end of this.. He also apologises for the lack of updates at the moment, but I’m sure you can understand…

18 thoughts on “Ease up cowboy..

  1. Giorgio! Sorry to hear you’re even more under the weather and seriously hoping you recover soon so you can go back home. Thinking of you and waiting for the day we can go out for a few pints again…

  2. George,

    Sorry life is rough right now. Sending love and prayers through the computer & also one of my speciality hugs!

    Rest up good ok?

    Love you always,


  3. George, this is Fr. Roger, a friend of Jo. I have vivid memories of a great speech you gave at Downside and of all you have done since. Jo is a great PR person. Just to say my prayers are with you. God bless.

  4. Hi George,

    Just wanted to let you know that the tinsel round your photo on our fridge has been replaced with a tartan ribbon as it will soon be Burns Night up here in sunny Dunblane.

    We are all thinking of you and send you lots of love. Looking forward to hearing that you have been able to get home soon.

    love, Susie, Roger,Will, Robb, Rosie, Andrew + Jennie xxxxxxx

  5. George so sorry to hear that you are feeling just so rotten. Our thoughts and love are with you constantly.Move on bug and get home to Dad and co. to lift the spirits.

    Love Melanie and the Endersbys

  6. George – sorry to hear about the bug. Sit tight, or lie down tight, or whatever is most comfortable, and victory shall be ours. Just wanted to add my prayers, and let you know I’m thinking of you.

    Take care,


  7. hi georgeous!

    i’m sorry to hear about the bug- hope it pisses off soon so i can come to see you.

    lots and lots of love and kisses,
    tvttb lizzie xxx

  8. alrite my lover

    just another quick one to say sending heaps of hugs your way. you will be pleased to know that i have now completed 3 hard core nights out without touching a drop of alcohol, although most of the italians were convinced i was drinking vodka and not water, honestly who do they take me for! so now at least i feel i am making some progress towards my studying..

    a presto

  9. hey george
    sorry to hear you have a bug and really hope you manage to get rid of it soon.
    the girls in the flat all send their love, as do i. fingers crossed you get home soon, love rushers xx

  10. Heyo mista George – continuing love and hugs in your direction, with a smattering of battering blows for your nasty bugs… I’m wishing them away as much as i can without making myself levitate…

    Was back in oxford over the weekend (at a party on a boat! it was like ‘deliverance’ oxfordshire style…) and had so much sepia-tinted, tweed-covered nostalgic fun. The wee spired city misses it’s favourite bouncy italian speaking monkey, and i gave it your regards…

    I gotta go do some acting or some bollocks now, so i’ll send you one more kiss the size of lapland and hope to hear of recoveries and boosted neutrophils real soon…

    Love love my little man

  11. Mr George,

    Pray excuse me a moment while I have a small rant at someone…

    Ben! You were in Oxford at the weekend and, indeed, getting drunk, and you DIDN’T TELL ME?!”! I am shocked and appalled.

    Ahem, anyway, back to important things. I am sorry to hear that bug fighting is not going so well such a shame they’ve not yet invented swatters for flu), although I do hope that a quiet weekend has gone some way to rectifying this.

    I see your little brother is (apparently) behaving, and (hopefully) not getting lost in the outskirts of London any more.

    Anyway, I’d best get back to work, many Old Members to be nice to (no laughing!)

    Llawer o gariad i ti,

    hannah xxx

  12. Hello George,

    I am so sorry you have had this set-back at a time when you are desperate to go home.

    Be brave, though not too brave…

    Take care.

    Jean xxx (Robyn’s friend)

  13. George,
    Am very loyal to this website and think it is great – I access it whenever it is possible (we have had numerous power cuts due to all the rain here!). Thinking of you loads, and so sorry to hear you have picked up a ‘nasty’.
    Take care, please, and rest.
    Lots of love,
    Ellie xxx

  14. Liebe Grüße an Schorsch aus der Bibliothek! (library greetings seem to be in at the moment, so I thought I might as well join)
    I do love “Schorsch”, the Bavarian version of George, so original…
    Just to let you know I am thinking of you and really hope you get better soon! Nothing frightfully exciting going on in Munich at the moment except for some boring exams and an exciting dissertation all waiting to be written.
    I missed you at my tea and cake birthday party on Monday…I am 22 now. In Germany you call that a Schnapszahl. My last birthday in Germany was 11 years ago! If I were allowed to send you food, I promise you I would send you some of the brownies I baked which were indeed a big hit.
    Hoping to come up to England in my two and a half month midterm break and hoping to perhaps see you then.
    All my love,

  15. Bad news about the bug – lucky you ‘ve got antiobiotics. Sad news at the Literary Review as Sarah is taking a back seat. Have been working hard – new issue is out soon, I’ll put a copy in the post for you. I met Edward St Aubyn – one of my contemporary literary heroes – but I was too shy to say anything other than ‘er er er hiireallylikeyourbooks’ and then I ran away blushing and hid. So much for my cool.

  16. Hey George, i will be in london next week end and really hope that i can come visit you. If you’re too tired i undertand. Please tell me what time and day is better for you. Could you also send me the adress & your new phone #? Thanks can’t wait to see you!
    Lots of love, Victoire

  17. Hi George

    Sorry to hear about your bug but I’m sure the doctors are giving you everything necessary to get rid of it quickly so you can go home! All of us Blotts are thinking of you lots & hoping to see you soon back on the south coast!
    lots of love
    Tora xx

  18. Apologies to Hannah, my brain switched off and forgot you still lived in oxford… I’m expecting a continuation of your shocked and appalled rantings… Should be back there in a month, when i shall definitely look youse up sweetheart…xxx

    Much love to the main man George, hope you bin feeling better today… I’m now off to twat myself round the head with a big stick for three hours in the name of firedancing…

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