Hooray Hoorah for George! SO pleased to let you all know that the strongest boy in the world, EVER, is back on the Ruth Myles ward! George was greeted by all the staff on the ward this morning (Wednesday) with huge smiles and cheers…the heaven storming, thoughts and prayers from everybody paid off! What a boy!
The majority of tubes and pads were all removed this morning, bar the nasty nasal nourishment tube which was proving so uncomfortable and sore. They say you should always leave the best til last…well this was removed not a minute too soon..and in an instant the old George appeared! Having been so quiet over the last few days we were all a little concerned, and then it all became clear..the nasty nasal tube was holding in the chit chat! George even managed an outburst of a song!
We all had paninis for lunch WITH George, in his room today, and Freddie and I (Harriet) spent this afternoon literally peeling his hair off his head as it had all detached from the scalp whilst being in ITU! Dr Evil has returned (only this one should be called Dr Strong) and he looks gorgeous as ever!
Needless to say, George is absolutely exhausted, and needs a couple of days to sort himself out and to rest up. He is very much looking forward to hearing/speaking/laughing/reflecting with you all soon enough, but obviously very conscious not to rush the recovery process as he still has a number of hurdles before him. We ask you, please, to continue the thoughts and prayers, and to be patient with him. We have no doubt he is bounding back, but he (and we) need to take this little by little.
We’ll keep you posted so long as you keep tuning in! Thanks for your support, Harriet

16 thoughts on “Hooray Hoorah!

  1. Wonderful news.
    Harriet you are burning the midnight oil as well by the timimg of this blog.
    Just getting our dinner organised here in Aus. Upside down to you. I bet that panini tasted good George!!!
    Love and thoughts as usual.
    Melanie and Graham

  2. “Hooray Hoorah for George” indeed! That sounds a song title… if it isn’t, it should be one – suggestions anyone?

    Much love to all of you, and especially Dr Strong

    hannah xx

  3. George you are a Legend!
    Glad to hear you are out of ITU, eating and more importantly singing again! Still sending loads of hugs, kisses and prayers your way.
    Love from

  4. George….sinceramente?questa notizia è in assoluto il regalo più bello che potessi ricevere…!!!!!!!N potrei chiedere di più!
    N ci sn parole per descrivere la gioia…” sei grande grande grande come te..sei grande solamente tu”!!!beh..è una canzone molto conosciuta..(anni 60…)te la dedico con tutto il cuore!!!!!
    Abbiamo pregato affinchè qst giorno arrivasse presto…ed ecco qui…è arrivato!iuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

    Un abbraccio forte da tutta la famiglia Lubrano


  5. HOORAY! Hope you’re getting lots and lots of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs… will be in when you’re ready for some company and (perhaps more importantly) some microwave meals. Big thumbs up all round to George and all the Nortons.

    Bear hugs,
    Robyn in the staff room xxx

  6. Bravo, Lord Laserous Explosion. You kicked some serious infection ass. I’m proud of you and your mega strength.


  7. Wonderdul news George, so relieved and happy for you and all of your family.

    Thanks for the updates Harriet – keep them coming! Sooo good to hear that George is bouncing back so well!


  8. Good show little BIG man!!! can’t believe you decided to go all weak at the knees on me behind my back, but had no doubts that you’d come back fighting fit and ready to challenge for the world light-flyweight belt on tuesday? No? well, it’ll make don king very unhappy, but i guess you can be excused some world class pugilism for now… Anyways, no moving out of your ruth myles rest home to that nasty experimental lab where you’ve been hiding this week, keep yourself good, and i look forward to being allowed to come play REAL SOON.

    Love, prayers, bananas, hula-hula fish and a Brian Wilson pocket symphony to ya!


  9. Hi to all the Norton Support team and esp. to George a.k.a. Dr. Very Strong Indeed.

    Great news and glad to hear a beautiful song was heard.

    Take care and we’re all still winging those prayers and good thoughts your way.

    Lots of love always

    cousin Lucy x x x

  10. Thank God,

    That’s MILES better George! Any more of this back-sliding cheating will NOT do, you hear?!

    Once you’ve stopped all this lying around & feeling unwell, I can’t wait to have you sing for me again!

    God bless my Darling Georgeous, keep strong!

  11. Darling porge, spoke to your charming little bro Freddie last night and he updated me on all. Have finally discovered how to get onto this blog thing and have spent the past 3 hours catching up on all that’s happened while I’ve been away.Devotion or what?So jealous of you all at retreat without me, I bet you forgot the callipos!anyway must stop babbling. you are officially the strongest bravest man ever.miss you and love you lots Sharth xxxxxx

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