I promised to keep you updated, so here goes… TomandAlice, Harriet and Freddie all arrived today to be with George during his struggle. Thank all of you for your messages of support too! The staff today were less accommodating about visitors and we had to be quite forceful to get the new arrivals in to see George in the morning. George had a reasonable night but without much sleep. He did get up into the chair for a short period which was good. He had some new plumbing, so that he has more tubes than the London Underground! He has also moved onto a more comfortable mask. They have now identified an infection on his Hickmann line (the one into his chest) and he has been having the right antibiotics to combat that. He has though had to maintain a very high rate of breathing and his poor little heart has been working overtime. They have also identified that he has high acidity in his gut and are helping his kidneys to sort that out, which will lower his breathing rate. If I were to be honest, I would say that today has been hard work for him and for us – he was better last night than today, but then he has had a lot of work done on his tubes etc. We all, including George, cried tonight as we parted after prayers together. He is being very strong and he WILL win the battle – though it will take enormous strength to do it. Keep praying please, and beseech Our Lord to intervene on his behalf. Lots of love to all our readers, Andrew. No visitors at the moment please.

16 thoughts on “It’s been a long day..

  1. Thinking of you so much george and sending you big big love. stay strong lots n lots of love aoifeu, jo and sooz x x x

  2. I am sending you lots of love george and me and all my friends are praying doubly hardfor you! sending happy, good vibes across to london, miles of smiles and big hugs and love from yourlittle (not so much anymore) cousin rachxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  3. Andrew thank you so so so much for updating…
    George…tieni duro…ci vuole tanta tanta forza e so per certo che tu ce l hai…tirala fuori e supera anche quest’altro ostacolo!alla tua forza aggiungi anche la nostra…quella mia e di tutta la mia famiglia.
    siamo con te, ci siamo con il cuore,con la mente, con le preghiere.



  4. Thankyou for the update Andrew, to all of the family support team, thinking of you and supporting you from across the miles. You will win this battle George.
    Lots of Love
    Melanie and Graham

  5. We are all thinking of you and send you our fondest love – Roger, Susie, Will, Robb, Rosie, Andrew and Jennie xxxxxxx

  6. Hello to the Norton family,

    It’s Harriet’s friend Andrea here, just to say you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of Love xxx

  7. We’re all routing for George down here in exeter! keep fighting!
    from the Danes road crew and the actors from ice age!

  8. Keep fighting George… we’re all cheering you on. Sending lots of love to you and the family. xxxx

    Robyn -xxx-

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