All is well. Though I do have somewhat low blood pressure. The natural nursey reaction is to tell me to drink more, but my fluid balance charts show that I’ve been drinking quite effectively, thank you very much. I don’t think it’s anything worrying, and it might just be because of the chemotherapy , but I do wonder whether it’s linked to me feeling pretty sleepy recently. Last night, for example, I must have slept for over 12 hours, but still dropped off again this afternoon…

Now, those who know me quite well might be surprised to hear this, but I’m actually slightly scared of sleeping too much. I guess this has only really been the case since I’ve been ill, and the logic seems to go something like this. If I sleep an hour longer every night than the night before, eventually I’ll reach 24 hours sleep, and I’ll never wake up! So, much as I enjoy sleep, I can’t help but feel very slightly worried about sleeping too much. It’s only a very small fear, but thought it worth mentioning.

Otherwise no real news. The food is still the worst thing I have to put up with, but fortunately good people like Cat and James exist, who restocked my fridge yesterday. I’ve only two more days of cytarabine, and then finish this phase on Wednesday with the last tioguanine (which is the tablet chemo). HOPEFULLY they’ll let me out soon after, though they may wait for neutropaenia to come and go. We shall see.

9 thoughts on “Sleeping the sleep

  1. Welcome to the low bp club!

    Apparently it can make you tired, though I’ve never had that, but that may also be a side effect of the medicine.

    I’m sure the nurses would never allow you to sleep for 24 hours, so don’t worry too much about it. And once you’re out, there’ll be so much you want to do thst you won’t have time to sleep.

    Seriously though, take it easy, keep that strength up, and all will be well. 🙂

    h xx

  2. hey…amo cosi tanto scadere nel banale che ti dico che se ci fosse davvero qualcosa di anomalo in tutto ciò,lo sapresti perchè sarebbe un medico-sulla base di quanto riferito dalle infermiere-a dirtelo, no?beh,questa cosa mi riporta a tre anni fa quando ero in francia: dormivo in media 15 ore a notte spesso…(quando n avevo corsi da seguire…mmmmmm e a volte anche quando li avevo;-),e ricordo che piu dormivo e piu avevo voglia di dormire…perchè sto raccontando qst aneddoto?n so….il tuo post, ed il libro di coe(the house of sleep)…n so, ma qst commento deve essere uno dei piu strani che abbia mai lasciato,n devo essermi ancora ripresa dalla sera del mio compleanno…(ora che ci penso anche il msg di stamattina doveva rasentare l’ inverosimile..);-)))))))))))))

    sconnessioni ad alto livello a parte…anche se ti sembra un pò anomalo,riposa quando ne senti il bisogno,è un consiglio che ti do con tutto il cuore….(preparati…sto per scrivere un’altra cavolata)….perchè quando ci vedremo n ti lascerò chiudere occhio,è una promessa!sai, solo per recuperare un pò di tempo,n ci potrà essere spazio per il sonno!ok, ora la pianto con questo umorismo scadente.;-)

    oggi mi sn data da fare per capire il funzionamento del mio nuovo ipod…l unico neurone che mi era rimasto stentava a mettersi in moto..da qui le grandi difficoltà incontrate per capire anche le cose piu semplici…che rogna!grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    bando alle ciance,ti abbraccio forte



  3. Ciao Giorgio,

    I remember you always did sleep in a lot… I’ve had rather too little of the stuff recently…

    See you soon,


  4. When sleeping you can conjure up the perfect meal and really enjoy eating!!! Has to be better than the garbage that they seem to serve you.
    Take care and keep up that strength.
    Thinking of you
    Lots of Love Melanie

  5. Really great to see you on Saturday George, hope our delivery was an improvement on the grotty hospital food (James complains constantly about how horrible it is, but at least he doesn’t have to eat it 3 times a day!!!). Saturday night was great fun, you were sorely missed, but I passed on your love to everyone. Am off to Istanbul tomorrow, will make sure I send you a post card (and possibly bring back some Turkish Delight?!).

    Lots of love,

    Cat (and Dr. James!)

  6. The more you sleep the more sleep you need… as addictive as crack!
    Loved loved loved seeing your OMV email, welcome back George!
    Lots of love xxxxx

  7. Hey Cuz,

    If you are sleeping that much your body must need and want it, I often do that after 24 hours on the trot…not a good idea indeedy, well not 24 hours, I am too old for that nowadays, too much rum and cola and I am away for the evening! And I’m sure the lovely staff there won’t let you do such crazy things! Up to my eyes on a big new business pitch which is fab, but a lot of long and hard work, nearly coming to an end so fingers crossed. But thinking of you lots. LOL Marie-Soph xx

  8. Hey George,
    Was sorry not to have you out with us on Saturday, but it just means we are going to have to have another night out when you are able to! Maybe we can get you into another club free again…and wangle it so that I can get in free too!
    Love from
    Note to Alice Carter – sorry I could not chat on Sun, just bumped into an old uni friend and was very hungover!!!

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