Robin rockin’
Girls (you may need to click for larger version)
(thank you to Metro)

Soon (perhaps Thursday/Friday) I should also have photos from the wedding, the family shindig and our chicken chez Big Phil (where, I forgot to mention, I had a laughing fit… It was one of those laughs that you just can’t stop, and your ribs are aching and the tears are streaming down your face and you have to throw yourself onto the floor to try to stop the nonsense… Laughter is the best medicine?).

6 thoughts on “Those photos

  1. Yay you put the photos up! Love the mini adventure one…you must have had an amazing photographer for that one! What about the ones with the sparkling gold headscarf?!?!
    Good speaking to your sis last night!
    Love from

  2. and boy did he laugh…and my how contagious!
    Nice talking to you too young carson of the katie variety
    ps trying to get george to eat a chilli at he is sat beside me

  3. Alice just found half a chilli on the floor of the sitting room and lots of chilli seeds in her laptop, so, no, I don’t think George ate the chilli.

  4. I did have the thought at 2am when I arrived back in Edinburgh that the half of the chilli that george rejected (yes I ate the other half), was still on the knee table with the laptop, but certainly not IN the laptop…although the seeds might fire up the computer to work at super s(p)eed!! ho ho (sorry alice..i hope it is ok?)Thank you for having us to stay!xx

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