George did manage to regain his rationality by this evening and said that he does remember what had happened in the morning, but that it had all seemed unreal at the time! This afternoon he was able to watch the Cup Final in his room with the family. Quite understandably, he is feeling uncomfortable from all the time spent lying in bed with a face mask on. He has been allowed spells without the mask for a few minutes, and he now is achieving the same results when using a lighter and more comfortable mask. He found his voice again this evening!!
There was a second moment of hilarity this morning during his irrational behaviour when the doctor asked if he wanted any hospital food, and George turned it down emphatically – the doctor was then reassured that he really was still rational! They are feeding him nutrition through a nasal gastric tube – never thought of ‘snorting’ my food – but the bacon sandwiches don’t fit down it very well!!!! He has been having ice lollies too.
It looks like the corner is near, if we haven’t already turned it, so keep those prayers on the boil!

9 thoughts on “Tonight’s report..

  1. Great news. Shame about the bacon sandwiches!! Sounds as though you could all do with some sleep.
    Love to you all as usual and thnking of you and wishing you all the best in getting around those corners.
    Love Melanie and Graham xx

  2. Hey..come ti dico sempre..tu non smetti mai di sorprendermi!
    Beh…per rifiutare il cibo dell’ospedale devi aver recuperato davvero la lucidità.era la prova del nove e l’hai superata brillantemente!
    Sempre e costantemente nei miei pensieri e nelle mie preghiere.ti sn vicina passo dopo passo.

    Andrew, grazie di cuore per i costanti aggiornamenti.conta davvero tanto poter essere informati sui progressi di george.

    Con immenso affetto


  3. Thanks Andrew, it’s great to have George’s updates through you. George, been thinking of you on every step. Missing you, as always, Slb

  4. WTG George, if you’re well enough to remember how awful hospital food is with luck there’s light at the ICU tunnel!

    Thank you Andrew for all your mavellous efforts keeping us updated. It’s really great that you spare the time to think of us.

    LYL (Love You Loads)


  5. George, you are fantastic and keep going. Thinking of you lots. Thank you, Andrew, for all the updates, we would all be lost without them.
    Lots of love and take care… bacon sarnies sound good!
    Ellie xxx

  6. Hey George
    You’ve brought a tear to my eye!

    Keep strong guys, Goerge will pull through. He’s a Norton after all (If he’s anything like Harri, he’ll be up and about soon!)

    Lots of hugs to all the Nortons from South Africa

    Roz 🙂

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