…I can fall back on the big things! For example, things have still been pretty grotty quite a lot of the time, as my back is still giving me grief (particularly in the morning and just before I go to bed) and I’ve thrown up again once or twice, as well as feeling very weary and generally not on best form. So this morning my back was really hurting and I was worried about whether I’d be able to get up to let the nurses make me back, and about how difficult it might be to eat my breakfast, and then I was brought my morning post, which had some lovely letters from lovely people, and I remembered how lovely they all were and that they care about me. So I was cheered! Oh, and I had proper coffee, too, which is nothing but a joy.

One thought on “When the little things are nasty…

  1. George fabulous George,
    Warm drinks in bed and fan mail from assorted admirers – I am very nearly jealous of the lifestyle you’ve adopted since being diagnosed. Your abilty to enjoy the little things in life despite the surrounding chaos never ceases to amaze and your blog has a growing fanbase amoungst my friends. I’ll be very sad to see you less once I’m back in Oxford but will be coming down regularly…
    Love and kisses,
    Robyn xxx

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